Roland Mitsche

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Roland Mitsche (born September 4, 1903 in Winklern , Carinthia , † June 22, 1978 in Graz ) was an Austrian metalworker.


Mitsche took part in the Carinthian defensive battle as a schoolboy in 1918/19 . In 1921 he passed his school leaving examination and then studied iron and metalworking at the Montanistische Hochschule Leoben . In 1929 he was promoted to Dr. mont. PhD. In 1931 he qualified as a professor for metallography , and in 1935 for metal science. In 1934 he became a corps loop bearer of the Leoben Corps shaft . In 1937 he received an associate professor's position and in 1940 became an adjunct professor in Leoben. As a substitute, he headed the institutes for metallurgy , combustion technology and physical exercise . In 1951 he was appointed full professor for metal science and materials testing . In the 1950s he held visiting professorships at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology , the İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi , the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology in Cardiff and Swansea University . In 1960/61 he was rector of the Montan University Leoben. In 1973 he retired .


See also

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 94/227
  2. New German Biography 17 (1994)