Rolf Pfeifer

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Rolf Pfeifer (born February 24, 1947 in Zurich ) is a Swiss computer scientist and university professor.

Rolf Pfeifer.jpg


Rolf Pfeifer grew up in Wollishofen . He studied mathematics and physics at the ETH Zurich and received his doctorate in computer science with Carl August Zehnder in 1979 with the dissertation Formalization in Psychology with the help of computer simulation with special consideration of techniques of "artificial intelligence" research . He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon and Yale Universities .

In 1987 Pfeifer became a professor for computer science at the Institute for Computer Science at the University of Zurich . He was also director of the artificial intelligence laboratory. Visiting professorships and research stays have taken him to the Free University of Brussels , the CSAIL at MIT and the University of Tokyo .

In 2014 he was at the University of Zurich emeritus . He then took up a special professorship at Osaka University and a visiting professorship at Jiaotong University in Shanghai .

Within AI, Rolf Pfeifer was an early proponent of the view that developing an artificially intelligent system required embodiment; H. a physical system equipped with sensors and actuators (see embodiment ).


  • Understanding Intelligence , Bradford Books, 2001; with Christian Scheier
  • How the Body Shapes the Way We Think: A New View of Intelligenc e, Bradford Books, 2006; with Josh Bongard
  • Designing Intelligence , GRIN, 2013, with Josh Bongard and Don Berry

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