Romain Garnier

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Romain Garnier

Romain Garnier (born 1976 in Toulon , France ) is a French linguist and Indo-Europeanist . Since 2005 he has been professor ( Maître de Conférences ) at the University of Limoges . In 2010 he received the Prix Emile Benveniste ; In 2013 he became a member of the Institut Universitaire de France . In 2015 he completed his habilitation in Paris ( École Pratique des Hautes Études ) with a thesis on regression in Latin .

He is the author of over 20 articles and two books on Indo-European linguistics. His main contributions are in the areas of etymology , phonology and morphology of the Proto- Indo-European and Indo-European languages , especially Latin and Greek . His book on Latin verb morphology was very well received, with positive reviews from the American linguist Andrew Miles Byrd ( University of Kentucky ) in Kratylos , 1 and from the French linguist Jean-Paul Brachet ( University of Paris IV ) inDocument the Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris .

In 2015, after the publication of the monograph by the French archaeologist Jean-Paul Demoule Mais où sont passés les Indo-Européens? : Le mythe d'origine de l'Occident invited to represent the linguists' position on Indo-European theory in the French popular science journal La Recherche . Garnier countered Demoule's skepticism about the Indo-European hypothesis with linguistic-historical arguments which reinforce the Indo-European hypothesis from a linguistic point of view.

Garnier is also the author of two novels published in French in 2010 and 2017. A Czech translation of his first novel, L'Héritage de Glace , was published in 2012.

He is the founding editor of the French linguistics magazine Wékwos , which was founded in 2014 and is dedicated to Indo-European studies.

Publications (selection)

Academic books
  • 2004. Thèmes grecs , Ophrys, Paris, 224 pages (together with Lucien Pernée) ISBN 9782708010895
  • 2008. Textes épiques sanskrits , Ophrys, Paris, 225 pages ISBN 9782708011571
  • 2010. Sur le vocalisme radical du verbe Latin , Innsbruck Contributions to Linguistics, Innsbruck, 134, 519 pages ISBN 9783851247206
  • 2017. La Dérivation inverse en latin , Innsbruck Contributions to Linguistics, Innsbruck, 157, 524 pages ISBN 9783851247442
  • 2017. Scripta Selecta , Les Cent Chemins, Paris, 547 pages ISBN 9781546869368
  • 2012 De Gaulle campagne algérienne , Éditions Elytel, Paris (together with Pierre Jaylet) ISBN 9782917182048
  • 2014 Oradour-sur-Glane: autopsie d'un massacre , Éditions Elytel, Paris ISBN 9782917182086

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Official list of permanent members of the EHIC research laboratory at the University of Limoges
  2. ^ Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres . Retrieved September 18, 2016.
  5. Andrew Miles Byrd (2013), Review of Garnier, Romain, Sur le vocalisme du verbe latin: étude synchronique et diachronique , in Kratylos 58, p. 159-167
  6. Jean-Paul Brachet (2011 [2012]), Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 106: 2, p. 202-205
  7. Jean-Paul Demoule, Mais où sont passés les Indo-Européens? : Le mythe d'origine de l'Occident , Paris, Seuil, 2014 ISBN 9782020296915
  8. ^ Marina Julienne, "  L'Indo-européen at-il existé?  », La Recherche , March 2015.
  9. .
1 For example, Andrew Byrd says in his review: “Garnier has done an admirably thorough job of analyzing Latin verb morphology and has successfully convinced me that there is a vast archaic legacy in Latin that in no way reflects the doctrine of the Founders of the Indo-European discipline and according to which Latin is presented as an innovative language '. "(" G [arnier] has done an admirably thorough job in his analysis of the Latin verbal system and has successfully convinced me that' (i) lya en latin tout un vaste héritage fort archaïque que ne reflète pas du tout la doctrine reçue, telle qu'elle fut professée par les fondateurs de la discipline indo-européenne, et où l'on tient le latin pour une langue innovante '”)