Ronald Wulff

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Ronald Wulff (born January 25, 1945 ) is a German sports official and entrepreneur.


Wulff was treasurer of Hamburger SV (HSV) from 1992 before taking over the office of president a year later. He succeeded Jürgen Hunke . He was replaced by Uwe Seeler . He has been a member of the HSV Supervisory Board since 2000. From 2002 to 2003, after Werner Hackmann's departure, he was provisional as CEO.

Wulff runs a dental laboratory and a building cleaning company.

Individual evidence

  1. Hamburger SV: Wulff replaces Hackmann . Spiegel, October 29, 2002. Retrieved July 16, 2014.
  2. Seeler takes command. Acting President / Moehlmann issue still unresolved. The Tagesspiegel from October 5, 1995.