Roncalli (TV series)

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Television series
Original title Roncalli
Roncalli circus wagon Logo.jpg
Country of production Germany
original language German
Year (s) 1986-1987
length 60 minutes
Episodes 6th
genre Family series
idea Michael Bauer
First broadcast 1986 ( Germany ) on ARD

Main actor:

Supporting cast:

Guest actors

Roncalli is the title of a six-part ARD - TV show with Günther Maria Halmer and Günter Lamprecht , who from 1986 to 1987 in collaboration with Bernhard Paul and the artistes of genuine Circus Roncalli was produced for ARD and first aired from 8 December 1986th


Circus director Bruno Roncalli ( Günther Maria Halmer ) is facing financial ruin. His debts of a quarter of a million marks threaten to cancel the planned tour when the loan officer Kosinski ( Günter Lamprecht ) demands the return of the sum. However, Roncalli can negotiate a final deadline and uses this to start the planned tour early. The "Circus Roncalli" hastily leaves its winter quarters in Cologne and sets off for Osnabrück . Kosinski, however, does not let himself get rid of and follows the circus to Hamburg in order to collect the payments due. When Roncalli already thinks he is at the end, the disagreeable loan officer becomes a savior in an emergency. Kosinski sacrifices his own home loan and savings contract to ensure the circus business continues to exist. And the "Circus Roncalli" is actually looking up again.


  • Many roles were filled with real artists, mostly from the real Circus Roncalli. In the role of tamer "René" for example is the Swiss animal trainer owners theme park and René Strickler to see. Also Pic , the famous clown with bubbles is, several times in the series as the Artist and in a cameo to see.
  • The authentic atmosphere of the series is largely based on the collaboration with Bernhard Paul , the director of the real Circus Roncalli, who provided his know-how and his circus for the series .


episode title
1 Escape
2 Bewitched
3 Special performance
4th wedding
5 Pablo
6th Departure


Web links

Individual evidence
