Pink gold wasp

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Pink gold wasp
Hedychridium roseum.jpg

Pink gold wasp ( Hedychridium roseum )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Family : Gold wasps (Chrysididae)
Subfamily : Chrysidinae
Genre : Hedychridium
Type : Pink gold wasp
Scientific name
Hedychridium roseum
( Rossi , 1790)

The pink gold wasp ( Hedychridium roseum ) is a species from the family of gold wasps (Chrysididae).


The golden wasps are four to six millimeters long. With their short and wide body they are reminiscent of species of the genus Hedychrum , but are significantly smaller than these. Her head and thorax have a metallic green or blue shine, the abdomen is flesh-colored, but not shiny. This makes it easy to distinguish them from the otherwise very similar other golden wasp species. The last tarsal link of the legs has a tooth protruding at a right angle on the side. The tergite of the last abdominal segment has no teeth.


The animals occur in Central Europe in open, sparsely vegetated and sandy areas and are common there in places. They fly from July to August. If they are not looking for suitable hosts for their brood, they can be found on umbellifers .

Way of life

The larvae live parasitically in the nests of digger wasps of the genera Astata and Tachysphex , which can be found on the sandy areas described above.
