Rosa Katz (Nazi Victim)

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Rosa Katz (born December 22, 1880 in Bremen ; died probably September 27, 1940 in Brandenburg an der Havel ) was a Jewish psychiatric patient who was murdered in the Third Reich .

life and death

From May 15, 1923 to May 30, 1940, Rosa Katz was housed in the Bremen mental hospital St. Jürgen-Asyl (today Klinikum Bremen-Ost) with two short interruptions .

On May 30, 1940, she was transferred to the sanatorium and nursing home in Wehnen (today Karl Jaspers Clinic Wehnen) near Oldenburg . In January 1939 and May 1940, a total of 76 patients were transferred from Bremen to Wehnen who were no longer able to contribute to the housework, field work or handicrafts in the institution. She stayed there until September 1940.

According to the circular issued by the Reich Ministry of the Interior at the end of August 1940, all Jewish “foster homes” had to be brought together in a single institution in the respective country or province. In September 1940 Rosa Katz was brought to the Wunstorf Psychiatric Hospitals (now KRH Psychiatrie Wunstorf) near Hanover . On September 27, 1940, she was transported from Wunstorf together with 158 other Jewish fellow patients in buses to what is known as the “Landespflegeanstalt” but which serves as a killing facility in Brandenburg . She was probably killed there on the same day. The death entry recorded in the Bremen registry office “30. March 1941 Cholm II ”is unlikely, since the Chełm insane asylum near Lublin had been evacuated since 1940 and only served as a cover for the murder of patients.

On June 7, 2012, a stumbling block was set for Rosa Katz at Donaustraße 84, Bremen-Neustadt .


  • Gerda Engelbracht: The deadly shadow of psychiatry - The Bremer Nervenklinik 1933-1945. Bremen, 1997
  • Archive of the Hospital Museum at the Bremen-Ost Clinic
  • Bremen registry office No. 3966: March 30, 1941 Cholm II No. 150

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Wolfgang Smitmans: Rosa Katz. 2012