Rosselia bracteata

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Rosselia bracteata
Eurosiden II
Order : Sapindales (Sapindales)
Family : Balsam family (Burseraceae)
Tribe : Canarieae
Genre : Rosselia
Type : Rosselia bracteata
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Rosselia bracteata

Rosselia bracteata is a tree in the balsam family from New Guinea , it is endemic to the island of Rossel in the Louisiade archipelago . It is the only species in the genus Rosselia .


Rosselia bracteata grows as a tree with brown bark .

The leaves at the branch ends are pinnate unpaired with 3–7 leaflets . The leaflets are entire and the terminal leaflet is heart-shaped.

Rosselia bracteata is dioecious dioecious . The inflorescences consist of stalked cymes on a main axis, each underlaid by a large, leaf-like and heart-shaped, durable bract . The flowers are threefold with a double flower envelope . There are 6 stamens and a small pestle in the male flowers . Staminodes are present in the female flowers and the ovary is three-chambered with a long stylus with a three-lobed stigma . There is one discus each.

Pear-shaped and pointed, compound , single-seeded stone fruits with a bony stone core (pyrene) are formed.


It was first described in 1994 by Lewis Leonard Forman in Kew Bull. 49: 603.
