Red warrior

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Red warrior
Red warrior
Art Cultivated apple ( Malus domestica )
origin Rostock
known since 1646/48


List of apple varieties

The Rote Krieger is an old variety of the cultivated apple . It is grown as an orchard and is considered worth preserving. The variety was probably first mentioned in Rostock in 1646/48 and described by Johann Hermann Knoop in 1766 . In the northern German distribution area there are still some trees, mostly 80 to 100 years old, so that the variety has to be described as threatened.


The apple was first mentioned in Jakob Sebastian Lauremberg's diary, who writes about KRIGS EPPFELN , WHITE KRIGSEPPFELN and WELSCHEN KRIGSEPPFELN that grow in Rostock gardens. In Knoop in POMOLODIA , 2nd part of 1766, he is described with a weight of 12 Loth , a ripening period from the beginning of October with a mild meat with little juice, but a high wine taste. Heinrich Ludwig Manger gives the name Mecklenburg as a synonym for him in 1780 . In the Handbuch der Fruchtbaumzucht by Christian Cay Lorenz Hirschfeld it is described as an apple with white, mild meat and a wine-like taste, which is useful in housekeeping and can be kept until March and April. In the first half of the 18th century it appears in various tree nursery lists, particularly in the area around Ludwigslust and Hamburg .

The name of the variety is also mentioned in Sweden and Denmark. In 1795 a Danish tree nursery list contained ten different varieties with the name warrior as part of their name. Olof Eneroth describes him in his Handbok i Svensk pomologie around 1870 as medium-sized, dark red or rose-cherry-red with light dots. The variety is found in southern Sweden and has yellowish, dry and grainy flesh.

In the 20th century the name disappeared from German lists of varieties, also because of the confusion with the red ice cream apple mentioned below . The last time he was mentioned in 1950 in the magazine 50 years fruit production of Fritz Heydemann . Today there are still some old trees in the Baltic Sea region with an estimated age of 80 to 100 years, and some even older.

Culture and harvest

There is no more information about the youth development and the start of yield of the variety. The Rote Krieger is a variety suitable for orchards and still produces good yields even after decades without care. The trees can get very old and are quite tolerant of plant cancer . The fruits are not prone to scab . Old trees show strong alternation .


The apples are medium to large in size and are conical to high-conical. The skin is smooth and slightly frosted. Their basic color is greenish yellow. It is almost completely covered in dark brown red. Their compressive strength is high. The lenticels are bright and conspicuous.

The flesh is yellowish white and rather dry. It is sweet with a strong acidity and does not brown a lot.


Wilhelm Seelig , who was part of the board of the pomologists' association, equated the Rote Krieger with the Rote Eiserapfel in his article on variety recommendations for Schleswig-Holstein. At that time there was no uniform definition in Schleswig-Holstein and in harvest reports different varieties were grouped together under the name Roter Krieger. In 1888, Seelig tried to clarify and reported that Roter Krieger and Roter Eiser should be similar or identical while there are several varieties of Rosenhäger . At the same time he called for fruits of the sorts to be sent to him. He wanted to compare and determine these together with Theodor Engelbrecht . Since there was probably no feedback, Roter Krieger and Rosenhäger were not included in Engelbrecht's standard work on German apple varieties .
