Rudolf Behrens (writer)

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Rudolf Behrens (* 6. October 1889 in Hannover ; † 9. October 1943 ) was a German educator , editor , poet , writer and drama - author .


The acting as a teacher Rudolf Behrens edited temporarily for the German Alpine Association whose periodical monthly news of the German Alpine Club .

Towards the end of the Weimar Republic , Behrens read on September 12, 1932 from 11: 00-11: 30 on the radio station Nordische Rundfunk AG (NORAG) in Hamburg the preface to the play Der Graf von Hoya, which he himself wrote . The transmission in the school radio division as part of the German school radio for schoolchildren from the 8th school year onwards was broadcast on the occasion of the festival of the Hoya Heimatspiele Heiligenberg in the Städtisches Schauspielhaus in Hanover in front of the Hanoverian schoolchildren from the Hanover studio and was then only via the NORAG secondary station Hanover to receive.

At the time of National Socialism , Behrens wrote the text for the piece Volk und Arbeit for four-part women's and two-part youth choir, which was premiered in 1938 by Karl Meinberg as part of the Sängerkreis concert under Meinberg's direction in Hanover .

In particular, Behren's story Prümmel. The Experiences of a City Boy appeared posthumously in several editions for decades from the mid-1930s onwards .

Behrens died a few days after his 54th birthday during the Second World War in the course of one of the heaviest air raids on Hanover on the night of October 8th to 9th, 1943; According to the address book of the city of Hanover of the same year, the teacher last lived in an apartment on the second floor of what was then Celler Strasse 126 .


Behren's works, especially short stories, belong

  • Of love and lust for life. Lyric and other poems , Strasbourg i. E .; Leipzig: Singer, 1913; contents
  • Festschrift of the Hanover section of the German and Austrian Alpine Club on the 75th birthday of its 1st chairman, Professor Dr. Karl Arnold, Privy Councilor, on March 12, 1928 (= M [onats] -N [news of the Hanover Section of the D. and Austrian Alpine Club] ; Vol. 3, No. 6), Hanover, Aegidientorplatz 1 I: German and Austrian Alpine Association, Section Hanover, 1928, pp. 53–75
  • The power of the mountains , short stories, Munich: Rother, 1929
  • The Count of Hoya. A game from Lower Saxony in four acts by Rudolf Behrens , preface broadcast on the radio station, 1932
  • Prümmel. Experiences of a city boy , with pen drawings by Max Bürger, 1. – 5. Th., 1934
    • (= Schaffstein's blue ribbon , vol. 264), 49. – 51. Th., Cologne: Schaffstein, [1965]
  • Festschrift for the 50th anniversary. Hanover Section of the German and Austrian Alpine Club 1885–1935 , compiled by Rudolf Behrens, Hanover, 1935 on behalf of the Hanover Section

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Georg H. Schlatter: Behrens, Rudolf. In: Wilhelm Kosch : German Literature Lexicon . Biographical-bibliographical handbook , 2nd edition: The 20th Century , Vol. 2, Bern; Munich: KG Saur Verlag, 1969, ISBN 3-908255-02-3 , 2001, Sp. 181; Preview over google books
  2. a b Compare the information in the German Broadcasting Archive (DRA)
  3. Zeitschrift für Musik , Vol. 105, Issue 1-6, p. 342; Preview over google books
  4. Compare the information and cross-references in the catalog of the German National Library
  5. ^ Klaus Mlynek : Second World War. In: Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein (eds.) U. a .: City Lexicon Hanover . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2009, ISBN 978-3-89993-662-9 , pp. 694f.
  6. Compare the address book of the city of Hanover from 1943, Part I, p. 32 as a digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library