NORAG secondary station Hanover

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The former new building of the Hanomag administration on Bornumer Straße in Linden-Süd was the first headquarters of the NORAG subsidiary station Hanover from 1924

The NORAG-slave transmitter Hanover was in the 1920s in Hannover equipped broadcasters of radio broadcasting , the first - as well as broadcasters in Bremen , Kiel and Flensburg - only incidental transmitter and to reinforce of Hamburg broadcast programs of Nordic Broadcasting AG (Norag) served. Later, however, the secondary broadcaster Hanover wrote broadcasting history with its own contributions - including the "[...] first European broadcast original broadcast ".


English concert broadcasts could already be heard on January 2, 1924 in the “radio test station” of Café Continental am Kröpcke ; Colored postcard number 145 , anonymous photographer, around 1900
One of numerous interior photos of the Café Continental , which is furnished in a blend of Art Nouveau and Art Deco ; Postcard from the publishing house of the architectural photographer Edmund Lill , around 1910

After influential people in Hanover, such as the commercial teacher Friedrich Buhmann and the radio dealer Mitteldorf , had advertised their own radio station in the city, the first radio programs could be heard in Hanover even before the NORAG subsidiary station Hanover started broadcasting: guests at Café Continental am Kröpcke were able to listen to concerts from English stations over coffee and cake in the "radio test station" set up there on January 2, 1924, using detector receivers and headphones .

After the Nordische Rundfunk AG was founded in Hamburg two weeks later on January 16, 1924, the engineer Ernst Plathner (1899–1971) reacted in March of the same year by founding the Owin, radio apparatus factory , which soon became the largest Radio equipment manufacturer in Hanover should develop. In the following month of April, the City of Hanover's magistrate supported the still young idea of ​​broadcasting with a donation of 1,000 marks to the “Funkfreunde Hannover”.

After also building your own radio receivers was officially permitted from mid-May 1924 opened Reichspost the State Secretary Hans Bredow on 16 December 1924 the attic of the new administrative building of the Hanomag in Bornumer road in Linden the Norag-slave transmitter Hanover. The first sentence to be heard in Lower Saxony was:

"This is the Hanover radio station, NORAG, we are broadcasting from the Hanomag ballroom."

Also from 1924, the secret government and trade school supervisor Otto Thöne headed the Hanoverian Norag broadcasting station. Initially, the simple studio only broadcast to amplify the Hamburg broadcasts and only with 1/4 kilowatts of power. The " outdoor antenna " was stretched on two poles above the rooftops in the Bornumer road - and soon was propaganda - hit the " Miss Adrienne, with their high antenna" popular. On February 12, 1925, a separate program was broadcast for the first time, and in the same year the monthly license fee was set at 2 Reichsmarks (RM). And although listening to the radio was still an expensive pleasure at the time - a radio set cost between RM 12 and 40 in the mid-1920s, about two months ' wages for a worker - the number of listeners skyrocketed: while on December 15, 1924, a good 7,500 radio listeners in Hanover were counted, around a year later on December 1, 1925, there were already almost 27,000.

The broadcast program in Hanover initially consisted of the morning " Landfunk " - the company "felt particularly committed to the agricultural target group and was supposed to give the radio a" down-to-earth Lower Saxon character "- was interrupted in the morning for technical maintenance and then delivered the Nauen time signal at noon , followed by instructive lectures, various news programs and later music events under the direction of program officer and conductor Otto Ebel von Sosen , who has been with the Hanoverian broadcaster since 1926 , who founded the Lower Saxony Symphony Orchestra from initially only three musicians until 1928 from unemployed musicians .

The Norag subsidiary station Hanover first entered German radio history at the beginning of 1925 with the real-time broadcast of Walpurgis Night from Brocken in the Harz Mountains , "[...] which is considered the first original European radio broadcast". The Hanoverian broadcaster also made history with the “Spinnstubenabend” broadcast from 1929 and above all with the “Castle Concert” broadcast from 1932 and until 1943 from the Leineschloss every Monday between 12:00 and 13:00.

After the National Socialists seized power in 1933, the comparatively primitive systems from the Hanomag building were replaced by more modern facilities: In Hainholz , a 90-meter-high wooden antenna mast was soon erected on Hüttenstrasse , and from 1934 the programs ran in the new studio on Warmbüchenkamp 2 .

Also in 1934 the Hanoverian Owin, radio apparatus factory was forced to build the people's receiver ; Hundreds of women were soon working there.

In addition to the facility, now known as the “Reichssender Hannover”, there was also an aeronautical radio transmitter on Bothfelder Strasse in the List , a long wave antenna between two 45 meter high antenna towers built by Louis Eilers Stahlbau . The antenna towers of the telecommunications battalion for numerous frequencies between Möckernstrasse and the Nordring , on the other hand, served purely military purposes for the army , air force and navy .

During the Second World War , the "Reichssender Hannover" was relocated to Hemmingen . Immediately before the American troops marched in, however, the technical manager blew up the antennas and transmission systems on April 7, 1945, as ordered.


Archives (selection)

Archives can be found, for example

Literature (selection)

  • NN : The new Hanover radio station. In: Illustrated Newspaper. Weekly supplement of the Hannoversche Anzeiger , No. 159 of July 9, 1933
  • Franz Rudolf Zankl : NORAG radio orchestra and amplifier room. / Photo Albert Hoepfner. In: Rita Seidel, Franz Rudolf Zankl: Hannover Edition , [from 1990], sheet H 05008
  • Ulrich Heitger: Hanover , in other words: From time signals to political means of leadership. Development tendencies and structures of radio news programs in the Weimar Republic 1923-1932 (= communication history , vol. 18), also dissertation in 1998 at the University of Münster, Münster; Hamburg; Berlin; London: Lit, 2003, ISBN 3-8258-6853-2 , passim ; online through google books
  • Bernd Hawlat (responsible): Low German broadcasting district ... ( PDF document ), various organizational charts , names, dates, sources and references, publisher: Stiftung Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv , [o. O. (Frankfurt am Main, Babelsberg), undated]

Web links


  1. Notwithstanding this, in the article SOSEN, Heinrich Ebell von in the Hanoverian Biographical Lexicon (see there) the year "1931" is mentioned as the first transmission date of a palace concert

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Klaus Mlynek : Das Radio , in Waldemar R. Röhrbein , Klaus Mlynek (ed.): History of the City of Hanover , Vol. 2: From the beginning of the 19th century to the present , Hanover : Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1994, ISBN 3-87706-351-9 , p. 471f .; online through google books
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l Wolfgang Leonhardt : "Norag", the beginnings of the Hanoverian radio , in which: Hanoverian stories. Reports from different city districts , Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2009, ISBN 978-3-8391-5437-3 , pp. 35–42; online through google books
  3. ^ A b Waldemar R. Röhrbein : Owin, Radioapparatefabrik GmbH. In: Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein (eds.) U. a .: City Lexicon Hanover . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2009, ISBN 978-3-89993-662-9 , p. 492; online through google books
  4. Marcus Bensemann (responsible): 90 years of radio ( memento from January 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), text on the program with moderator Regine Stünkel from Friday, December 26, 2014, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the page of Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR), last accessed on January 3, 2016
  5. Helmut Zimmermann : Thöneweg. In: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , New Series 35-38 (1981), p. 110; Preview over google books
  6. ^ Daniela Münkel (ed.): The long farewell to the agricultural land. Agricultural policy, agriculture and rural society between Weimar and Bonn (= publications of the working group history of Lower Saxony (after 1945) , vol. 16), Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2000, ISBN 3-89244-390-4 , p. 184 and ö .; online through google books
  7. ^ A b Hugo Thielen : SOSEN, Otto Ebel von. In: Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon , p. 339
  8. ^ Hugo Thielen: North German radio. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 480f.

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