Rudolf Brun (doctor)

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Rudolf Brun (born March 15, 1885 in Zurich ; † January 14, 1969 there ) was a Swiss doctor .


Brun studied biology and medicine at the Universities of Zurich and Geneva . From 1909 Brun was assistant to Constantin von Monakow . He was a student of Auguste Forels and published on ant research .

Brun trained in London and Paris, among other places. After his return he worked for twelve years at the neurological outpatient clinic in Zurich, and from 1918 he also ran his own neurological practice. From 1916 onwards Brun became increasingly interested in Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis and developed his own training analysis for this purpose. In 1922 he became a private lecturer , and from 1940 to 1952 he held lectures as adjunct professor on, among other things, neurological differential diagnosis and the theory of neuroses .

Well-known Zurich psychoanalysts such as Fritz Morgenthaler and Paul Parin were among Brun's students .

Fonts (selection)

  • General theory of neuroses. 1942
  • The skull and brain injury. 1963


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Christian Müller : Brun, Rudolf. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .