Rudolf Goclenius the Younger

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Rudolf Goclenius as a professor in Marburg

Rudolf Goclenius the Younger (born August 22, 1572 in Wittenberg , † March 3, 1621 in Marburg ) was a German scholar who successively held a professorship for physics , medicine and mathematics at the University of Marburg . He emerged with astrological and medical publications and got involved in a literary debate about the effectiveness of the weapon ointment .


Goclenius was the eldest son of the lexicographer and logician of the same name Rudolf Goclenius the Elder . He received his master's degree in Marburg on December 22, 1591, studied at the University of Padua in 1599 and received his doctorate in medicine on March 19, 1601 again in Marburg. From November 1606 to July 1608 he was the Count's Isenburg personal physician in Büdingen . In April 1608 he was appointed to a full professorship for physics, astronomy and arithmetic in Marburg. In February 1609 he also received a teaching position in geometry. From 1611 to 1612 he was a full professor of medicine in Marburg, and from December 1612 a full professor of mathematics. Chiromancy was one of his specialties .

Goclenius married Elisabeth Wolf (1584–1648) in Lich in 1601, with whom he had at least three children, of whom the eldest son Theodor Christoph Goclenius (1602–1672) became a doctor himself.

Controversy over the gun ointment

Goclenius achieved greatest fame through his controversy about "magnetic wound healing" by means of remote action. Starting from Paracelsus , Goclenius tried to theoretically justify the effectiveness of a sympathetic powder that, when applied to a weapon, was intended to close the wound it had made. The Belgian Jesuit Jean Roberti , who accused the Protestant Goclenius of the Covenant with demons, turned against it . The dispute has resulted in several publications and counter-publications.

If the success of this healing method has been argued, this is entirely credible, as many of the supporters of the weapon ointment, in contrast to conventional medicine at the time, insisted on washing the wounds with clean water and dressing them with clean bandages, which should also be changed daily.


  • Aphorismorum chiromanticorum tractatus compendiosus, Lich 1597 ( online ).
  • Uranoscopia, chiroscopia et metaposcopia, hoc est coeli seu sphaerae coelestis syderumque eius linearumque manus ac frontis contemplatio nova, eruditae et rationalis experientiae testimoniis demonstrata, qua probatur divinationem ex astris lineisque propitricosam et frontis necterum concerum esse , Lich 1603 ( online ); Frankfurt 1608.
  • De pestis febrisque pestilentis causis, subiecto, differentiis et signis cum consilio prophylactico et curatorio gravissimarumque quaestionum declaratione tractatus perspicuus et methodicus, Marburg 1607 ( online ).
  • De vita proroganda, he animi corporisque vigore conservando salubriterque producendo tractatus, Mainz 1608 ( online ).
  • Oratio, qua defenditur vulnus non applicato etiam remedio citra ullum dolorem curari naturaliter posse, si instrumentum tantum vel telum, quod sauciavit, seu quo vulnus est inflictum, peculiari unguento inunctum obligetur, Marburg 1608 ( online ).
  • Tractatus de portentosis, luxuriosis ac monstrosis nostri seculi conviviis, Marburg 1609.
  • De magnetica vulnerum curatione [...] tractatus, Marburg 1609; Frankfurt 1613 ( online ).
  • Apologeticus pro astromantia discursus, Marburg 1611 ( online ).
  • Knowing how to protect yourself against the severe plague of the Pestilentz, which now creeps in every now and then, Marburg 1611.
  • Idea philosophiae Platonicae, Marburg 1612 ( online ).
  • Tractatus novus de magnetica vulnerum curatione, Frankfurt 1613 ( online ).
  • Loimographia, Frankfurt 1613 ( online ).
  • Urania cum geminis filiabus: hoc est Astronomia, et astrologia speciali, Frankfurt 1615 ( online ).
  • Synarthrosis magnetica, Marburg 1617 ( online ); German Hamm 1979.
  • Acroteleution astrologicum triplex hominum genus circa divinationem ex astris in scenam producens falsamque astrologiam a vera rationibus, exemplis et experimentis distinguens contra novas criminationes, Marburg 1618.
  • Morosophia Johannis Roberti D. Jesuitae, Frankfurt 1619 ( online ).
  • Synopsis methodica geometriae, astronomiae, astrologiae, opticae et geographiae, Frankfurt 1620 ( online ).
  • Tractatus physicus et medicus de sanorum diaeta seu de septem rebus non naturalibus, ( online ).
  • Physiognomica et chiromantica specialia, Marburg 1621 ( online ).
  • Memorabilia experimenta et observationes chiromanticae, Marburg 1621 ( online ).
  • Mirabilium naturae liber concordias et repugnantias rerum in plantis, animalibus animaliumque morbis et partibus manifestans, Frankfurt 1643 ( online ).


The moon crater Goclenius (below)

The lunar crater Goclenius was named after him in 1651 by the Jesuits Giovanni Riccioli and Francesco Maria Grimaldi because of his astronomical and astrological work. Over time, his fame faded and Rudolf Goclenius the Younger stepped back into the shadow of his father.

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