Jean Roberti

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Jean Roberti (also Johannes ) (born August 4, 1569 in Saint-Hubert ; † February 14, 1651 in Namur ) was a Jesuit from Flanders , who was known for his discussion of medical and scientific topics. He was also a theological writer .


He was born in Saint-Hubert in Flanders and studied at the Jesuit colleges in Liège and Cologne . In 1592 he became a member of the Jesuits, held lectures and received his doctorate in theology in Mainz . He became rector of the university in Paderborn and died in 1651 near Namur . His brother was Remacle Roberti (Remaclus Robertius), a civil servant and advisor in the Spanish Netherlands .


In 1609 Roberti wrote his work Brevis anatome . It was created in response to the 1608 by Rudolph Goclenius the Elder. J. published Basilica chymica on medical astrology from a Paracelsian perspective that had mentioned a weapon ointment . Roberti turned against the effectiveness of the weapon ointment, which was due to purely natural causes. He called Goclenius' view necromantic and a mixture of natural magic with other species. Goclenius responded by listing 45 types of "evil magic" and 24 effects that had been achieved by a Magus and that could not be traced back to natural causes.

In 1621 Goclenius died. In the same year Johan Baptista van Helmont published his De magnetica vulnerum curatione , a critical attack on Roberti and also on Goclenius, who, in his opinion, had a simplified view. The attacks on Roberti had the consequence that van Helmont was subjected to an investigation by the Inquisition and some critical works against the Rosicrucians , which he had written in 1618, were confiscated in 1623 by Marin Mersenne and Jean Boucher (* around 1548; † 1646) were.

With Mysticae Ezechielis quadrigae Roberti wrote a work on the four Gospels. He also edited the Flores epytaphii sanctorum by Thiofrid von Echternach , the legend of St. Hubert and other works of hagiography .


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Individual evidence

  1. John Ferguson : Bibliotheca Chemica , Part 2 (2002 edition), p. 281 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  2. ^ Gilbert Tournoy: Erycius Puteanus, Isaac Casaubon, and the Author of the Corona Regia. In: Humanistica Lovaniensia. Journal of Neo-Latin Studies 49 (2000), pp. 377-390, here: p. 382 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  3. ^ Mark A. Waddell: 16th century AD . In: Canadian Journal of History , August, 2003 ( online ( memento of July 12, 2012 in the web archive )).
  4. ^ Mark A. Waddell: The Perversion of Nature: Johannes Baptista van Helmont, the Society of Jesus, and the Magnetic Cure of Wounds. Canadian Journal of History, 38 (2003), No. 2, pp. 179-197 ( online ).
  5. ^ Allen G. Debus : The Chemical Philosophy . 1977, p. 303.
  6. Lynn Thorndike , History of Magic and Experimental Science , Part 12 (2003 edition), Kessinger Publishing, 2003, ISBN 0766143163 , p. 283; ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  7. Diedier Kahn: The Rosicrucian Hoax in France (1623-24). In: Anthony Grafton (Ed.): Secrets of Nature: Astrology and Alchemy in Early Modern Europe . MIT Press, Cambridge 2001, ISBN 0-262-14075-6 , pp. 235–344, here: pp. 276–8 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  8. ^ Dominique Bertrand: The society of Jesus and the church fathers. In: Irena Dorota Backus (Ed.): The Reception of the Church Fathers in the West: from the Carolingians to the Maurists, Volume 2. Brill, Leiden 1996, ISBN 90-04-10636-7 , pp. 889-950, here: p. 906 note 50; ( limited preview in Google Book search).