Rudolf Kaehr

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Rudolf Kaehr (born February 20, 1942 in Biel , Switzerland ; † July 4, 2016 in Glasgow , Scotland ) was a Swiss philosopher and university professor. He did his doctorate with Gotthard Günther . After his death he continued his work on the theory of polycontexturality and founded the Institute for Theoretical Biosciences at the University of Witten / Herdecke in 1986 .

Scientific career

Kaehr studied a. a. at the FU Berlin philosophy , mathematics , psychology and linguistics later in Münster with Herbert Stachowiak .

From 1966–1969 he was a research assistant at the Free University of Berlin with Michael Landmann and Paul Feyerabend . As an assistant he held the final seminar on behalf of the philosopher Paul Feyerabend in 1968.

From 1971 to 1974 Kaehr received teaching positions at the FU and TU Berlin. From 1972–1981 he organized lectures for the philosopher and basic researcher of cybernetics , Gotthard Günther. During this time he moved from the USA to Hamburg . From this collaboration, Kaehr's doctorate at Gotthard Günther finally developed. Kaehr received his doctorate summa cum laude from Günther . In a letter to Heinz von Foerster , Günther writes that essential parts of his polycontextural logic were co-developed by Rudolf Kaehr. Günther Kaehr's dissertation also includes materials for the formalization of dialectical logic and morphogrammatics 1973-1975 in the 2nd edition of his book Idea and Floor Plan of a Non-Aristotelian Logic .

From 1973 to 1975 Kaehr worked at the Research and Development Center for Objectified Teaching and Learning Methods (FEoLL) at the University of Paderborn on the research project Descriptive Morphogrammatics .

In 1980 he received another teaching position at the Free University of Berlin.

In 1985 Eberhard von Goldammer visited Rudolf Kaehr in Berlin and convinced Kaehr to take over the management of the Research Institute for Theoretical Biosciences at the University of Witten / Herdecke , which he headed from 1986 to 1990.

Further research projects are:

  • 1984–1985: Research project Organizational Mediation of Distributed Systems . Siemens AG, Munich
  • 1987–1993: with IFF-Klagenfurt / Tesof Berlin: Technological civilization and trans-classical logic. ( Fritz Thyssen Foundation Cologne and BMWF Austria)
  • 1988–1988: with ESG and UniBW Munich: Networked system structures: Polycontextural logic .
  • 1988–1990: with UniBw Munich (Prof. Wolfgang Niegel): implementation of PK systems .
  • 1987–1992: Research project Theory of Complex Biological Systems , Volkswagen Foundation , Hanover

In 1991 Kaehr was one of the founding members of the Institute for Cybernetics and System Theory eV Bochum / Dresden.

Kaehr moved to Glasgow in the late 1990s. There he worked as a freelance basic researcher. Research projects, most recently Theory of Complex Biological Systems ( Volkswagen Foundation ).


Rudolf Kaehr is one of those who further developed polycontextural logic , especially after Gotthard Günther's death.

Teaching assignments

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Joachim Paul : Rudolf Kaehr (1942 - 2016) - attempt at an obituary. August 9, 2016. Retrieved August 9, 2016 .
  2. ^ Paul Feyerabend: Paul Feyerabend's (last) Telegram. December 9, 1968, accessed August 9, 2016 .
  3. a b c d Rudolf Kaehr: Dr. Rudolf Kaehr. 1998, accessed April 15, 2015 .
  4. Gotthard Günther: Idea and outline of a non-Aristotelian logic . Ed .: Bernhard Mitterauer, Claus Baldus. Meiner Verlag für Philosophie, Leipzig 1991, ISBN 3-7873-1033-9 ( [PDF; accessed on August 9, 2016]).
  5. ^ Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Further Education
  6. technology, social science research institute
  7. Via the Institute for Cybernetics & System Theory eV Vordenker, accessed on August 9, 2016 .