Sao João Baptista (Moura)

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São João Baptista
coat of arms map
The coat of arms is still missing
São João Baptista (Portugal)
São João Baptista
Basic data
Region : Alentejo
Sub-region : Baixo Alentejo
District : Be yes
Concelho : Moura
Coordinates : 38 ° 9 ′  N , 7 ° 28 ′  W Coordinates: 38 ° 9 ′  N , 7 ° 28 ′  W
Residents: 4069 (as of June 30, 2011)
Surface: 93.26 km² (as of January 1, 2010)
Population density : 44 inhabitants per km²
Address of the municipal administration: Junta de Freguesia de São João Baptista
Praça Sacadura Cabral
7860-207 Moura

São João Baptista is a Portuguese parish ( Freguesia ) in the district of Moura in the district ( Beja ), with an area of ​​93.3 km² and 4069 inhabitants (as of June 30, 2011). This results in a population density of 43.6 inhabitants / km².

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. - indicator resident population by place of residence and sex; Decennial in the database of the Instituto Nacional de Estatística
  2. Overview of code assignments from Freguesias on