Limburg southern bypass

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The Limburg southern bypass is a planned measure in the course of the federal highway 54 to relieve the inner city in Limburg an der Lahn .


As early as the mid-1930s, a tank road was planned for the connection to the barracks in Diez . In the post-war period, the new Limburg district of Blumenrod began to grow. The traffic in the city of Limburg also increased. From the 1960s onwards, the search for a solution for a bypass road began to relieve the through traffic. At a citizens' meeting in November 1967 it was shown by a city councilor at the time that the residents had not been informed about a planned bypass when they bought the property. At that time, all city councilors were in favor of looking for another solution so that the residential area would not be burdened with additional traffic. However, the road traffic authority had a road planned in their files. A kind of green belt was kept free for the so-called old route, which is still referred to as such today. Now they began to plan a western bypass on the other side of the city. In 1993, however, this variant was abandoned.

With the election of Mayor Martin Richard , a variant between the Linter district and the Blumenrod district of today's core city was discussed. Blumenrod should be relieved. In 2007 this variant should be proposed to the Federal Ministry of Transport . At the end of 2011, after more detailed planning, this variant cost more than 100 million euros. At the same time, the old route variant, most of which was to run in the tunnel, was examined. Then the steering committee (a non-public committee made up of representatives of the traffic administrations in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate and representatives of the municipalities involved) decided to build on the cleared route through the middle of Blumenrod, as the costs are significantly lower than the planned variant. The execution of this old route variant is controversial. The discussion is, for example, the extension of the tunnel to protect residents and the abandonment of connections that would entail additional financial and human burdens without being appropriate for a bypass.

Current state

The Limburg SPD has been calling for the old route, which runs through the middle of the Blumenrod district, as a southern bypass for many years. The CDU followed this opinion in a city council meeting on December 17, 2012, so that a grand coalition existed for this variant. The other parties FDP , BZL, FWG and Bündnis 90 / Grünen were against in the vote. Thereupon resistance formed in the affected population. Further planning is now being carried out by the Hessian road traffic authority Hessen Mobil - road and traffic management in Wiesbaden. According to the current state of planning, at least 67 million euros are budgeted for the construction.

Citizens' initiatives

  • For many years the citizens' initiative "Citizens against the Südtangente / Alttrasse eV" has been committed to the solution of a southern bypass in order to solve the traffic problem in Limburg. She suggests other approaches, such as B. expanding the cycle path network in the city, connecting the city districts by public transport , connecting the ICE train station to the inner city bus network, parking on the outskirts with shuttle buses , use of battery buses , intelligent traffic management, more speed 30 zones , night driving ban for trucks on certain routes, diversion of Relocate truck traffic and freight traffic to the Aartalbahn .
  • The "Citizens' Initiative Weststadt", on the other hand, is committed to relieving the inner city, especially the main traffic artery Diezer Straße and the affected side streets, especially since traffic in the Weststadt is constantly increasing and, above all, the heavy traffic of the residents as well as the local cultural monuments, especially the entire Diezer complex Significantly load the street / park street .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Limburg southern bypass: decision made in favor of the old route . In: Rhein-Zeitung , November 27, 2012
  2. For the old route. Southern bypass: Political majority stands, opponents announce resistance . In: Nassauische Neue Presse , December 12, 2012