S Ori 68

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S Ori 68 is an object of planetary mass in the constellation Orion , whose classification as a brown dwarf or planet was very controversial when it was discovered.


The object was discovered in 2000 by Zapatero Osorio and other scientists on a recording of the Sigma-Orionis cluster at the coordinates 5h 38m 39.1s ( right ascension ) and −2 ° 28 ′ 5 "( declination ), with the work at the Calar Alto , Roque de los Muchachos and Teide observatories.

In 2006 the object was confirmed by independent astronomers and later also referred to as "S Ori J053839.1-022805".

more details

The object has an apparent magnitude of 20.2 magnitudes and is located at a distance of about 440 parsecs (1400 light years ) and has a mass of about 5 Jupiter's masses , which means that the exoplanet , which is not bound to any star, can be assigned to the gas giant .

When it was discovered, the object was assigned to spectral class L5 and its surface temperature was given as 1300 to 2000 Kelvin . As with other astronomical objects of the spectral class L, metal hydrides and alkali metals also dominate in its spectrum .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Discovery of Young, Isolated Planetary Mass Objects ... (English) - Publication in Science , around 2000, bibcode : 2000Sci ... 290..103Z
  2. The substellar mass function in σ Orionis (English) - Publication in The Astrophysical Journal , around 2001, bibcode : 2001ApJ ... 556..830B
  3. ^ Zapatero Osorio et al .: Discovery of Young, Isolated Planetary Mass Objects in the σ Orionis Star Cluster ; in: Science, Vol. 290, Issue 5489, pp. 103ff. (2000), bibcode : 2000Sci ... 290..103Z