Saarmunder terminal moraine arch

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Saarmunder Berg, 2013
Eichberg 2013 near Saarmund

The Saarmunder terminal moraine arc is a terminal moraine line immediately south of Potsdam and thus southwest of Berlin . It consists for the most part of deposits from the older stage of the Vistula Ice Age , the Brandenburg stage . With a length of more than 18 kilometers, it represents a large contiguous terminal moraine arc of the North German lowlands . In terms of landscape, it embodies the eastern boundary of the Zauche and the western boundary of the Zwischenurstromtal of the Nuthe , which extends from the Nuthe lowland (altitude from 32 to 35  m above sea  level ) is taken.

The highest point is the Kleine Ravensberg at 114.20 meters above sea level. Compared to the Nuthe lowland, there is a maximum difference in height of around 80 meters.

The Saarmunder Endmoränenbogen begins south of Potsdam on Brauhausberg and north of the renowned Potsdamer telegraph hill , which he includes with runs over the Little Ravens Berg, the great Ravensberg , the beautiful mountains in Wilhelmshorst , the gallows at Langerwisch , the Saarmunder mountain , the Ziebchenberg , the oven mountain and the Grämitzberge to Hohenberg in pieces .


  • Thomas Litt, Karl-Ernst Behre, Klaus-Dieter Meyer , Hans-Jürgen Stephan and Stefan Wansa: Stratigraphic terms for the Quaternary of the northern German glaciation area . In: T. Litt on behalf of the German Stratigraphic Commission (ed.): Stratigraphie von Deutschland - Quaternary. Special issue. Ice Age and Present / Quaternary Science Journal . 56, No. 1/2. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagbuchhandlung (Nägele and Obermiller), 2007, ISSN  0424-7116 , p. 7-65 , doi : 10.3285 / e.g. 56.1-2.02 .
  • Potsdam and its surroundings (= values ​​of the German homeland . Volume 15). 1st edition. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1969.