Expert commission for old-age pension systems

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The Expert Commission for Old-Age Security Systems was formed by a decision of the Federal Government of June 10, 1981. It was given the task of comparing all state-financed and subsidized old-age insurance systems and developing proposals for any new regulations.


subject area member comment
Economics Helmut Meinhold
Hans-Jürgen Krupp
Deputy Chairman
Social law Bernd Baron von Maydell
Tax law Hans-Peter Schneider
Constitutional Rotation Science Hans F. Zacher
Finance Konrad Littmann
Social security practice Rudolf Kolb
Country representative Kurt Mähler
Heinz Ströer
CDU / CSU parliamentary group Heinrich Franke
Horst Günther
until November 1982
since December 1982
FDP parliamentary group Hansheinrich Schmidt
until March 1983
The Greens parliamentary group Willi Hoss since September 1983
SPD parliamentary group Eugene Glombig
German Trade Union Confederation Alfred Schmidt
Gerhard Schmidt
Gustav Fehrenbach
until August 1982
since September 1982
German employees' union Hans-Heinrich Rubbert
German Association of Officials Karl Klein
Federation of German Employers' Associations Werner Dräger
Fritz Schnabel
German Women's Council Irmgard Blättel
Association of German Pension Insurance Institutions Helmut Kaltenbach
General Association of Agricultural Retirement Funds Günther Janßen
Working group of professional pension institutions Hans Hermann Reusch
Working group for company pension schemes Gerhard Höhne
Association of Life Insurance Companies Gerhard Laskowski
Pension Institution of the Federal and State Governments Karl-Heinz Kiefer
Association of municipal employers' associations Jakob Berger

Work of the commission

The expert commission met for the first time on June 30, 1981 in the Gustav Heinemann House in Bonn. The other 18 day sessions took place in the new high-rise building of the Bundestag in Bonn. Three multi-day closed conferences (Schwäbisch Hall, Bad Mergentheim and Würzburg) were also added. The report was passed on November 19, 1983. Then it was handed over to the federal government and to the public at a press conference.

The Federal Minister for Labor and Social Affairs was responsible for the business-related supervision of the commission. An empirical survey was carried out by Infratest Sozialforschung as commissioned.


Report volume 1

Legal comparison of the pension system

Comparison of pension systems for employees
Comparison of pension systems for the self-employed
Empirical comparison of the old-age security systems for employees
Commission recommendations

Report volume 2

Presentation of pension systems and the taxation of retirement income

Statutory pension insurance
Care for officials, judges and soldiers
Supplementary pension for employees in the public sector
Company pension scheme
Old age allowance for farmers
Professional care
Life insurance
Taxation of retirement income

Attachment band A

Documents for the empirical and legal comparison of old-age pension systems

Figures for the old-age security of dependent employees
Special survey from access to pensions in 1981
Special survey from the access to the civil service pension 1982
Catalogs of questions on the necessities and possibilities of an approximation of the old-age insurance systems

Attachment band B

Possibilities and limits of an approximation of the civil service provision to the statutory pension insurance

Legal opinion by Franz Ruland

Individual evidence

  1. Expert commission for old-age pension systems (Springer)
  2. Expert opinion report volume 1
  3. Opinion report volume 2