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Salaschigns seen from above
Salaschigns church with a view of Sotgôt

Salaschigns is a Meiergut in the political municipality of Surses in the Oberhalbstein district in the Albula district of the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland . It is located above Riom-Parsonz at 1,492  m above sea level. M.

The estate belongs to the parish of Parsonz. The name first appears in a document in 1531 as Salschintzg. It is located on the left-hand slope of Val da Morts on the eastern slope of Piz Toissa . Salaschings offers a comprehensive view of the Sotgôt, part of the Oberhalbstein . The parish boundary between the former parishes Riom-Parsonz and Salouf ran through the church tower. Salaschigns can be reached by car from Parsonz or Salouf.


Interior of the Salaschigns Church

The church was consecrated to St. Bartholomew and St. Mauritius , but a service is held in the church every year on the Sunday closest to June 13th (memorial day of St. Anthony of Padua ). The church is often booked for weddings because of its romantic location and view. It is first mentioned in a document in 1508. Other sources say that it was built and consecrated in 1595. It was renovated in several stages in 1662 and a few years ago. The cross-vaulted choir dates from 1595, the paintings from 1662. In the rectangular nave there is a strip ceiling from 1660. In the high altar from 1662 there is a sculpture of St. Bartholomew from around 1510. The altar was renovated in 1905.


Web links

Commons : Salaschigns  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Old Bündner architecture in books and pictures. Retrieved June 18, 2012 .
  2. Pagina da Surmeir. Retrieved June 18, 2012 .
  3. ^ Lorenzi + Meier AG restorers. Retrieved June 18, 2012 .

Coordinates: 46 ° 37 '  N , 9 ° 34'  E ; CH1903:  762634  /  164,769