Salim Yusuf

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Salim Yusuf OC (born November 26, 1952 ) is a Canadian epidemiologist and cardiologist . He works as a medical professor at the Canadian McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario . He is director of the Population Health Institute , an epidemiological research center he founded.


Salim Yusuf is of Indian descent and completed his medical degree in Bangalore at St. John's Medical College (India) in 1976. A Rhodes Scholarship enabled him to move to Oxford England, where he did a Ph.D. PhD . At Oxford he worked with Richard Peto and Peter Sleight on the concept of large, simple clinical studies and meta-analyzes . In the practical implementation of this approach, he brought the first ISIS heart attack study on the way, which the effectiveness of beta blocker therapydemonstrated during a heart attack. He also supervised all other ISIS studies.

In 1984 Salim Yusuf joined the National Institutes of Health , Bethesda , Maryland , USA. There he was involved in the heart failure studies SOLVD and DIG. In 1992 he moved to McMaster University , Hamilton, Ontario , Canada, where he has been working ever since.

In 2014 he received the Canada Gairdner Wightman Award and was inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame .


  • with R. Collins and R. Peto: Why do we need some large, simple randomized trials? In: Stat Med. 3 (4), 1984 Oct-Dec, pp. 409-422.
  • with AD Kitching: From journal to bedside: obtaining medically useful answers from a meta-analysis. In: Evid. Based Cardiovasc. Med. 1 (4), 1997 Dec, pp. 85-86.
  • Randomized clinical trials: slow death by a thousand unnecessary policies? In: CMAJ. 171 (8), 2004 Oct 12, pp. 889-892; discussion pp. 892-893.

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