Adrien Salvetat

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Adrien Salvetat (born November 23, 1910 in Montauban , † May 26, 1987 in Olonzac , Département Hérault ) was a French politician. From 1956 to 1958 he was a member of the National Assembly .

After studying in Montpellier, Salvetat worked as a pharmacist from 1936. He practiced this profession from 1954 in the family-owned company in Narbonne . There he was involved in local politics from 1949 and joined the Parti radical-socialist . This was followed in August 1954 by the change to the Poujadist , right-wing radical UDCA . For their electoral list Union et fraternité française Salvetat stood for election in the parliamentary elections in January 1956. Thanks to 18 percent of the votes that his party received in the Aude department , he was the first to enter parliament. Right-wing extremists such as Jean-Marie Le Pen were among the 52 MPs in his group . He was one of the leaders within the movement and gave a speech to around 3,000 people in Castelnaudary . He stayed away from the vote in 1958, which gave Charles de Gaulle far-reaching powers and thus ushered in the establishment of the Fifth Republic . He then turned away from his party's stance and spoke out in favor of de Gaulle's reforms. On July 31, 1958, he was expelled from the UDCA and did not run again in the parliamentary elections that year. Instead, he co-founded the Syndicat des artisans, commerçants et professionnels des entreprises libres de la région de Narbonne association and continued to work for it. From 1961 he was secretary of the Narbonne Chamber of Commerce and was responsible for the city's small and medium-sized businesses around the same period . In 1975 he was appointed judge of the Narbonne Commercial Court . He also held the post of mayor of Olonzac from 1971, where he died in 1987.

Individual evidence

  1. Base de données historique des anciens députés ,