Samer Mösl

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At the Samer Mösl

The Samer Mösl is a small residual moor on the edge of the Sam settlement in the northeast of the Austrian city of Salzburg. With an area of ​​8.235 hectares, the area is designated as a Protected Landscape Part ( GLT 93 ) and in the core area with 4.91 hectares as a natural monument, Moorwäldchen in Sam  ( NDM 93 ). Most of the animal and plant species found there belong to the fens type .


Originally this moor was called Nussdorfer Moos after the farm above and was part of the spacious Langmoos . The Langmoos again is the part of the Schallmoos east of the Alterbach. The Samer Mösl, whose name refers to the young urban area of ​​Sam, which has only grown in the last few decades, is located east of this and at the same time below the mountain range of Berg-Sam and below the route of the former Salzkammergut local railway .

The large Salzachbeckensee , a glacier end lake of the Salzach Glacier , silted up in this part of the Salzburg Basin 10,000 years ago, with boggy parts forming on the banks, which subsequently expanded and grew into the well-known large bogs on the right bank of the Salzach ( Itzlinger Moor with the Gnigler Moor , the Schallmoos and the Langmoos , as well as the Kasernmoos and the small Radecker Moos ), which all belonged to the drainage area of ​​the Alterbach and determined the area northeast of Salzburg.

The Samer Mösl has been preserved as the last remnant of this former wide moorland on the right bank of the Salzach in the urban area. The decision of the Salzburg provincial government to declare the moor forest in Sam a natural monument was issued on September 14, 1970. In the second half of the 1990s, major maintenance and rewetting measures were initiated after appropriate maintenance contracts had been concluded between the city of Salzburg and the landowners there . Due to its park-like alternation of litter meadows and forest , the remnant of the moor is also considered to be scenic.

Flora and fauna

This small natural area is of particular importance for the fauna and flora typical of the moors, most of which belong to the low moors type: sundew , marsh stendelwort , Prussian laser herb , peat carnation , voluminous cottongrass . There are also some raised bog species such as peat moss , bog berries, etc. In the report, which served as the basis for the protection of the bog, among other things, the rare blue iris ( Iris sibirica ) is highlighted, which only exists here in a wide area.

The bog (for example with its old bog pine stands) is also important for the deadwood inhabitants .

As a conclusion to the maintenance concept, the watering of other small surrounding meadows is considered important to secure the moor residue.

Web links

Commons : Samer Mösl  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Protected part of the Samer Mösl landscape in the nature reserve book of the State of Salzburg
  2. Moor forest in Sam in the nature conservation book of the State of Salzburg
  3. See Verein Sam (ed.): Festschrift 50 years Sam near Salzburg 1935–1985. Self-published, Salzburg 1985 (brochure without ISBN), p. 66.
  4. ^ Sam Association (ed.): Festschrift 50 years of Sam near Salzburg 1935–1985. Self-published, Salzburg 1985 (brochure without ISBN), p. 66.
  5. ^ Sam Association (ed.): Festschrift 50 years of Sam near Salzburg 1935–1985. Self-published, Salzburg 1985 (brochure without ISBN), p. 67.

Coordinates: 47 ° 49 ′ 42 "  N , 13 ° 4 ′ 23"  E