Samuel Adalberg

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Samuel Adalberg (* 1868 in Warsaw ; † November 10, 1939 ibid) was a Polish literary historian and linguist who was particularly concerned with the collection and research of Polish proverbs .


Adalberg studied in Berlin , Leipzig , Prague and Paris and began his philological work by editing and publishing Polish texts from the 16th century.

However, his main occupation was paremiology . From 1889 to 1894 he published the Księga przysłów, przypowieści i wyrażeń przysłowiowych polskich (Book of Polish Proverbs, Parables and Proverbs), in which the approx. 30,000 entries are sorted according to the core word and no longer alphabetically. His sources include important writers from Mikołaj Rej to Ignacy Krasicki, as well as works by ethnographers and folklorists of the 19th century. This work was unique in its scope not only for the Polish language, but for all Slavic languages. Nonetheless, this monumental work is criticized for the fact that neither texts before Mikołaj Rej, such as those by Biernat z Lublina , nor from the 19th century such as Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz or Pan Jowialski by Aleksander Fredro . For this work Adalberg was rewarded in 1898 with membership in the philological commission of the Akademia Umiejętności .

He has also translated and annotated 580 Yiddish proverbs from Ignaz Bernstein's collection into Polish. This work was published in Wisła magazine in 1890 and later individually.

From 1918 Adalberg was an advisor to the Polish Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.

After Warsaw in 1939 by the Nazis had been occupied, he committed suicide .


His main work Księga przysłów, przypowieści i wyrażeń przysłowiowych polskich was expanded under the direction of Julian Krzyżanowski to Nowa księga przysłów i wyrażeń przysłowiowych polskich (4 volumes, 1969–1978).


  • Historia trojańska , 1896
  • Zwierciadło by Mikołaj Rej , 1897
  • Księga przysłów, przypowieści i wyrażeń przysłowiowych polskich , 1889–1894


  • Dov Noy: Adalberg, Samuel . In: Encyclopedia Judaica . 2nd Edition. tape 1 . Detroit 2007, ISBN 978-0-02-865929-9 , pp. 371 .
  • Julian Krzyżanowski: Adalberg Samuel . In: Literatura XX wieku. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny . 1. Volume A-O. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw 2000, ISBN 83-01-13028-8 , p. 2 .

Web links

  • Rafał Żebrowski: Adalberg Samuel. In: Polski Słownik Judaistyczny. Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma, accessed April 10, 2016 (Polish).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Julian Krzyżanowski: Adalberg Samuel . In: Literatura XX wieku. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny . 1. Volume A-O. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw 2000, ISBN 83-01-13028-8 , p. 2 .