Samuel Zopfy

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Samuel Zopfy

Samuel Zopfy (born January 29, 1804 in Schwanden GL ; † December 1, 1890 in Schwanden GL) was a Swiss doctor and pioneer of homeopathy .


Samuel Zopfy grew up in Schwanden GL as the son of the baker and innkeeper Heinrich Zopfi (1779-1858) and Maria Elmer (1784-1843). He continued his education in medical arts in Germany and the USA. a. at the University of Heidelberg and the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. He obtained his doctorate according to an obituary at a college in Philadelphia . Around 1830 he settled in Schwanden as a doctor. In 1834 he married Maria Tschudi, the couple remained childless.

Zopfy worked medically as a general practitioner , surgeon , dentist and homeopath and invented various remedies, e.g. B. against cholera . In 1828 he got acquainted with homeopathy in Heidelberg . Together with Karl Krieger and Theophil Bruckner, he founded the Swiss Association of Homeopathic Doctors SVHA in 1856 . He recorded his experiences as a doctor in the book Medicine, Results of 60 Years of Experience .

In Schwanden he owned a silk spinning and weaving mill, several houses, an inn and a vineyard. He did physical studies and tinkered with an airship. Politically, with his appearance at the Glarner Landsgemeinde in 1890, the year of his death , he brought about the equality of legitimate and illegitimate children in inheritance law .

On October 25, 1862, he was called to the sick bed of the Italian freedom hero Giuseppe Garibaldi , who had suffered a gunshot wound in the foot on August 29 in the Battle of Aspromonte. Zopfy and other doctors managed to save Garibaldi from an amputation.

Deed of foundation of the Zopfi Foundation

In his will, he set up a foundation with 20,000 francs "for the future economic betterment of the Zopfi family, which is poorly equipped with earthly goods". A hundred years after his death, the interest on the accrued capital is to be distributed to all Zopfis who live in the canton of Glarus from the age of 20. Today the Zopfi Foundation, based in Schwanden, takes care of that.


  • Samuel Zopfy: Cholera and its treatment: explored in its symptoms. Verlag J. Vogel , Glarus 1867.
  • Samuel Zopfy: Medicine: Results of 60 years of experience. Self-published, Schwanden 1889.
  • Emil Zopfi : Garibaldi's foot. From the life of the homeopath Samuel Zopfy (1804–1890). Limmat Verlag , Zurich 2016.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nekrolog Neue Glarner Zeitung , December 2, 1890.
  2. ^ Nekrolog Der Free Glarner , December 3, 1890.
  3. Alexander Erlach: Homeopathy. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  4. ^ Neue Glarner Zeitung, November 6, 1862.
  5. Fonte: Gazette de Lausanne of November 8, 1862, page 1  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , French@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  6. Foundation deed, Schwanden, February 1895.