San Pedro de Ycuamandiyú

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San Pedro del Ycuamandiyú
Coordinates: 24 ° 6 ′  S , 57 ° 5 ′  W
Map: Paraguay
San Pedro del Ycuamandiyú
San Pedro del Ycuamandiyú on the map of Paraguay
Basic data
Country Paraguay
Department San Pedro
City foundation March 16, 1786
Residents 35,021 
City insignia
Escudo de San Pedro del Ycuamandiyú.gif
Bandera San Pedro del Ycuamandiyú.png
Detailed data
surface 3,185 km 2
Population density 11 people / km 2
height 64  m
Post Code 8000
prefix (+595) 342
Time zone UTC −4

San Pedro de Ycuamandiyú ( Guaraní Ykuamandyju ) is a city in the geographic center of Paraguay , its geographic coordinates are 24 ° 5'31 "south and 57 ° 4'36" west.

The Río Jejuí Guazú flows a few kilometers south of the city and flows into the Río Paraguay about 25 km west . The Paraguayan highway Ruta 11 runs through the city, which runs from Antequera, west of the Río Paraguay, to Capitán Bado on the border with Brazil in the northeast.

San Pedro is the capital of the department of the same name San Pedro and capital of the district (municipality) same as unterster administrative level. The city has a strong influx from the impoverished surrounding area and around 10,000 inhabitants (2017 calculation). The district (Municipio) has 35,021 inhabitants.

The city was founded in 1786 by José Ferreira and Pedro Gracia. Since 1978 San Pedro has been the seat of the Roman Catholic diocese of San Pedro .

San Pedro is one of the centers of the Campesino movement, which was supported there by the emeritus Catholic Bishop Fernando Lugo - the former president.

Web links

Commons : San Pedro del Ykuamandyju  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  1. - Paraguay: Cities , accessed on March 7, 2018
  2. - Paraguay: administrative structure , accessed on March 7, 2018
  3. Municipios del Departamento de San Pedro , accessed March 7, 2018