San Salvador (Sepúlveda)

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Sepúlveda - Iglesia de San Salvador

The church of San Salvador in the central Spanish city ​​of Sepúlveda in the old Castilian province of Segovia is one of the oldest and most important Romanesque church buildings south of the Duero . In addition to the church of San Miguel in San Esteban de Gormaz , which is located approx. 65 km to the northeast, it became the model for numerous other church buildings in the region.


The construction of the church on the northern outskirts - documented - started around 1093. It is unclear whether the significantly more richly designed and structurally hardly interlocked south porch ( portico ) was planned from the outset or added shortly after the church was completed. As a builder one (or two) by name unknown architects from the north of Spain or the south of France (possibly from Catalonia ) is suspected .



All parts of the church are built from precisely hewn stone . While the free-standing three-storey bell tower and the entire structure of the church are only structured by pilasters , the semicircular apse shows three-quarter -round services that are cranked together by a cornice at the height of the mullion plates above the columns of the narrow window openings . Below the eaves there is a surrounding console frieze that continues on the long sides of the church. The windows are designed the same on all sides; only the north side is windowless. The approximately 11 m high interior of the church has a single nave and is spanned by an approximately 10 m wide barrel vault with belt arches; the apse shows the usual dome vault . The side walls are loosened up by pilaster strips or blind arcades .


The vestibule covered by a pent roof protects the two entrances to the church and moves the south and west sides of the church building, with the west side being closed except for an unadorned portal. The south side, which can be accessed through a portal next to the apse, is open to a large extent through eight arcades ; these are alternately separated from each other by pillars and columns. The capitals mostly show abstract motifs, only one contains figures.


José Manuel Rodríguez Montañés: Sepúlveda: Iglesia de el Salvador. In: Enciclopedia del románico. 3, Segovia 2007, ISBN 978-84-89483-34-7 .

Web links

Commons : San Salvador, Sepúlveda  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 41 ° 17'53 "  N , 3 ° 45'2"  W.