Santa Ninfa dei Crociferi

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Santa Ninfa dei Crociferi

The Santa Ninfa dei Crociferi is a Baroque church in Palermo .


The church in Via Maqueda was founded by the Camillians , the foundation stone was laid in 1601 by Saint Camillo de Lellis, the founder of the "Ordo Clericorum Regularium Ministrantium Infirmis", also called "Crociferi" and Camillians in Germany. The church was consecrated in 1660 before the facade and furnishings were finished.

Giuseppe Venanzio Marvuglia , with the support of Ferdinando Lombardo, built the facade between 1750 and 1760, which is structured by two pairs of pilasters and connected by an entablature . The gable is decorated with the emblem of the Camillians framed by garlands.

The stucco decoration of the facade comes from Luigi Romano. The scene with “Saint Camillo heals the sick” is by Vittorio Perez and “The Martyrdom of Santa Ninfa” by Gaspare Firriolo .

The interior of the single-nave church meets the liturgical requirements of the Counter-Reformation , such as the Il Gesù built in Rome by Vignola . The crossing received from Gaetano Riolo († 1856) a painted false dome in ( Trompe-l'œil ).

In the church and the crypt there are many tombs of “Crociferi” (Camillians), such as Paolo and Giacomo Amato , Giovanni Battista Vaccarini and Ferdinando Lombardo, as well as numerous members of the Sicilian nobility.


  • Giacomo Serpotta : in the cappella del Crocifisso "Madonna, Maria Magdalena and John at the foot of the cross" (around 1730)
  • Procopio Serpotta : "Martyrdom of San Venanzio" and allegorical figures
  • Guglielmo Borremans : "Joseph's Death and Transition"
  • Giuseppe Mariani : "Building the Cappella Sa", Giuseppe (1726)
  • Gioacchino Martorana : in the presbytery “Saints Agata, Oliva, Rosalia with Mary, Joseph and the Trinity” (1768)
  • Gaspare Serenario : "Saint Camillo arrives in the kingdom of heaven"
  • Cristoforo Milanti : Sculpture Mother of Sorrows
  • Filippo Pennini: Tomb of Don Giuseppe Giurato (1772, based on a design by Marvuglia)
  • Alessandro D'Anna (Palermo 1746 - Naples 1810): "Filippo Neri in Glory" (1769)


  • Alessandro Giuliana Alajmo: Architetti regi in Sicilia. La chiesa di S. Ninfa detta dei Crociferi, sede della Parrocchia di S. Croce. Con documenti inediti. Scuola grafica "Don Orione", Palermo 1964.
  • Cesare De Seta, Maria Antonietta Spadaro, Sergio Troisi: Palermo - Città d'arte. Guida ai monumenti di Palermo e Monreale. 3. edizione aggiornata. Palermo, Kalòs 2002.

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Coordinates: 38 ° 6 ′ 59.8 ″  N , 13 ° 21 ′ 37.6 ″  E