Saulo Ramos

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Saulo Ramos

José Saulo Pereira Ramos (born June 8, 1929 in Brodowski , São Paulo ; † April 28, 2013 in Ribeirão Preto , São Paulo) was a Brazilian lawyer , writer , university professor and politician who was Minister of Justice between 1989 and 1990.


After schooling completed Ramos a degree in law and was then first as a lawyer in the law firm of Vicente Rao , where he is primarily with family law concerned. In 1954 he began working for the Sunday newspaper Semanascópio , for which he wrote a column under his first name "José" . In 1956 he was a co-founder of the Academia Santista de Letras and was a journalist for the daily newspaper Jornal A Tribuna during the 1950s and 1960s . He served as legal advisor to from January to August 1961President Jânio Quadros . He later took on a professorship for law at the Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU) in São Paulo, founded in 1968 .

In March 1985, Ramos was appointed Chief Legal Advisor by President José Sarney , before becoming Minister of Justice on August 9, 1989, to succeed Oscar Dias Correia . He held this position until the new President Fernando Collor de Mello took office on March 15, 1990 and the associated appointment of José Bernardo Cabral as the new Minister of Justice. During the reign of Sarney, he promoted in particular his colleague Celso de Mello , who was on July 3, 1989 a judge at the Supreme Tribunal Federal ( Supremo Tribunal Federal ) and was its president between 1997 and 1999.

In 1992 the Senate ( Senado Federal ) of the National Congress charged him with the legal implementation of the impeachment proceedings against President Collor de Mello .

In 2007 he published his memoirs under the title O Código da Vida .

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