Sauveur François Morand

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Sauveur François Morand

Sauveur François Morand (born April 2, 1697 in Paris , † July 21, 1773 ibid) was a French surgeon and encyclopedist .


The son of the chief surgeon at the Hôtel des Invalides in Paris Jean Morand (1658–1726) from Limousin and the son-in-law of Georges Mareschal learned surgery in Paris. Initially instructed by his father, he had already started his education at the College Mazarin in 1710, at the age of thirteen , and there on August 14, 1716 acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy. Between the years 1724 to 1725 he was a demonstrator of surgery at the Jardin du roi , 1730 surgeon at the Hôpital de la Charité and 1739 chief surgeon of the Gardes-Françaises . Morand was a co-founder of the Académie Royale de Chirurgie (1731) and has made an outstanding contribution to the medical sciences in his quest to simplify surgery. He was also a member of many academies of scholars in Europe.

In 1759 Morand presented at the Académie des Sciences the artificial, anatomical models made of wax, anatomy artificially by Marie Marguerite Bihéron, which he promoted.

He introduced the stone cut method used by William Cheselden , the apparatus altus or also le haut appareil after the urinary bladder had been filled with water in France, taught the influence of the separation of the innermost and middle arterial walls when a thrombus occurs ; He recommended the Agaricus as a stypticum for bleeding, made suggestions on how to amputate the thigh, and fought Johann Ulrich Bilguer's (1720–1796) assertion that amputation was unnecessary. Morand was the first to describe dressocranial dysplasia . In addition to a large number of, partly comparative anatomical treatises in the Memoria de l'Acadademica de chirurgie , he had also written several independent works. Morand was married to Marie Clemence Guerin. The couple had a son, Jean François Clément Morand , who also gained importance as a physician and naturalist.

Works (selection)

  • Traite de la taille au haut appareil avec une lettre de M. Winslow sur la même matiére. Paris 1728 ( online )
  • Refutation d'un passage du traité des Operations de Chirurgie. 1739 ( online )
  • Discours dans lequel on prouve qu'il est necessaire au Chirurgien d'etre lettre. 1743.
  • with Bremond: Recueil d'experiences et d'observations sur la pierre. 2 volumes. 1743.
  • Sur un enfant auquel il manquoit les deux clavicules, le sternum et les cartilages, qui dans l'état naturel l'attachent aux côtes. In: Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences. (Paris) 1766, pp. 47-48.
  • Opuscules de surgery. 1768, 1772, 2 full .; German from Platner, Leipzig 1776 ( online )


  • August Hirsch : Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples. (BÄL) Volume 4, Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna / Leipzig 1886, p. 278.
  • Johann Christian Poggendorff : Biographical-literary concise dictionary for the history of the exact sciences. Johann Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig 1863, Sp. 199, ( online )
  • Eloge de M. Morand. In: Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences. Volume 1, Verlag Panckoucke, Paris 1778, p. 172, ( online , French) and Eloges lui dans les séances publiques de l'Académie royale de chirurgie de 1750 a 1792. Bailliere & Fils, Paris / London / New York 1859, p . 199, ( online )
  • Nouveau dictionnaire historique, ou Histoire abrégée. Volume 9, Bruyset, Alyon 1791, p. 329, ( online , French)
  • François-Xavier de Feller: Dictionnaire historique. Volume 9, Paris / Lyon 1822, p. 251 ( online , French)

Web links

Wikisource: Sauveur François Morand  - Sources and full texts (French)

Literature by and about Sauveur François Morand in the SUDOC catalog (Association of French University Libraries)

Individual evidence

  1. Frank A. Kafker: Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie. Année (1990) Volume 8 Numéro 8, p. 105.
  2. Georges Boulinier: Une femme anatomiste au siècle des Lumières: Marie Marguerite Biheron (1719–1795). Pp. 416, 420, online (PDF; 6.32 MB)
  3. Ernst Horn: Archive for medical experience in the fields of practical medicine, surgery, obstetrics and state medicine. Volume 41 Reimer, 1822, p. 314 f.
  4. Barbara I. Tshisuaka: Morand, Sauveur-François. In: Werner E. Gerabek , Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil , Wolfgang Wegner (eds.): Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2005, ISBN 3-11-015714-4 , p. 1007.