Schönleitenmoos in the Wierlinger Forest

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NSG Schönleitenmoos in the Wierlinger Forest
View over the Schönleitenmoos

View over the Schönleitenmoos

location Weitnau , Oberallgäu district , Bavaria
surface 23 hectares
Identifier NSG-00079.01
WDPA ID 82549
Geographical location 47 ° 40 '  N , 10 ° 13'  E Coordinates: 47 ° 39 '59 "  N , 10 ° 13' 12"  E
Schönleitenmoos in the Wierlinger Forst (Bavaria)
Schönleitenmoos in the Wierlinger Forest
Setup date 1959

The Schönleitenmoos in the Wierlinger Forest is a nature reserve founded in 1960 ten kilometers southwest of Kempten . It comprises a 23 hectare high moor on the watershed between the Rhine and the Danube (932 m above sea level) and was created after the last Ice Age from an ice-edge lake that was formed by the melting of glacier ice masses flowing from the Alps. The lake silted up and developed into a flat and later a raised bog.


The Schönleiten Moss shows a typical transition from spruce forest on the outer edge on the tree-shaped Spirke and the bush-shaped Moorföhre (mountain pine) to bog with water-filled hollows in the center. The rust-leaved alpine rose that grows here in the Spirken moor forest forms one of the rare extra -alpine populations and was decisive for the protection of the area. Different types of peat moss ( Sphagnum cymbifolium , Sph. Acutifolium , Sph. Medium , Sph. Rubellum , Sph. Cuspidatum ) dominate most of the moor and cause the high degree of acidity. Between the peat moss cushions the stems of the levy White Beak reeds ( Rhynchospora alba ), the deergrass ( Trichophorum cespitosum ) and the vaginal wool grass ( Eriophorum vaginatum ). Among the dicotyledonous flowering plants, in addition to the rust-leaved alpine rose, the following species in particular were found:


  • Hermann Oblinger, Eberhard Günther: The nature reserves in the administrative region of Swabia . In: Reports of the Natural Science Association for Swabia eV 88th Volume, Issue 1, 1984.
  • Hermann Oblinger: The Schönleitenmoos - a little-known nature reserve. Augsburg 1965, PDF on ZOBODAT

See also

Web links

Commons : Schönleitenmoos in the Wierlinger Forst  - collection of images, videos and audio files