Most beautiful German word

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The “ Most Beautiful German Word ” award was presented in 2004 as part of the international “The Most Beautiful German Word” competition initiated by the German Language Council . The organizers of the competition received a total of 22,838 words and explanations from 111 countries.

Most beautiful German words

The winning words announced by the jury on October 24, 2004 are:

  1. belongings
  2. security
  3. love
  4. moment
  5. Rhubarb jam

The word dragonfly was voted first by a children's jury .

"Most beautiful threatened word"

In response to the competition “The most beautiful German word”, writers initiated an international competition in December 2006 for the “most beautiful threatened word”. The main prize was the cheese hedgehog , a trophy designed by the visual artist Laura Kikauka, as well as non-cash prizes donated by the Rowohlt Verlag and the Berlin-based German Dictionary of the Brothers Grimm to the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences . The jury includes a. the writers Jakob Hein and Eva Menasse .

The aim of the competition is to point out the disappearance of old words from the German language and to create awareness for the history of language, explained the initiator Bodo Mrozek : "New and most beautiful words are awarded, but old words have no lobby." want to approach the topic in a humorous and creative way - “without the seriousness of culture pessimists”, says Mrozek.

The “most beautiful threatened word” was announced in June 2007: “ Gem ”. The word stands for something that is only recognizable at second glance as something precious of high personal value. It is the same with some words, it said in the jury's statement. Ten words were chosen. The following terms came in second to tenth place: blümerant, Dreikäsehoch , refreshment , belly brushes, Augenstern, telephonically, movie theater , hold, panties . A total of 2982 contributions were submitted, including 2000 different words. Backfisch was suggested most frequently (35 times), followed by hanebüchen (28) and Sommerfrische (20).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Results of the competition “The threatened word”. May 15, 2007, accessed September 25, 2009 .