Shaking rhyme
The Schüttelreim is a double rhyme in which the consonants (or consonant groups) before the last two stressed syllables are interchanged. If the consonant is missing in front of a rhyme syllable, this fact is transferred.
I went with my L pus w agen,
where stones and so w pus l agen.
The cadences can be blunt or ringing. Example: "He choked a class apper schl ang ', / to their rattling schl apper kl ang." Blunt cadence. More common is the version “The rattlesnakes rattled until their rattles sounded slack” with a ringing cadence.
The Schüttelreim is a form of poetry known in the German-speaking area since the 13th century . Since the 19th century, shaking rhymes have mainly been used for enjoyable two-line lines.
Rhymes are largely a specialty of German literature. The Hungarian kecskerím is probably the closest to them . In contrast , neo-Latin ( versiculi quassati ), English and French examples mostly come from authors whose mother tongue is German.
You should
n't tease a sick kidney pelvis with beers that are too cold. Wine from acidic locations
should also be
avoided if you have stomach problems.
Do not believe that all tongues lie, they
warn against the lungs!
- ( Eugen Roth )
- Venice
The dream city has to fit the fairy tale,
not just the masses of wedding
couples , as you usually read about Venice.
Even some who are still single,
rent a boat for two,
where San Marco offers the most wonderful.
- (Eugen Roth)
While drinking, oat brewers sit
in a pile of socks from good tusks.
- (Dieter Brandl)
The letters that are shaken don't have to be the same. It is sufficient if they are the same or similar:
Resentment of women:
- ( Clemens Plassmann ; strictly speaking, not shaken completely clean because an r is lost)
The glottic stroke, which is not written in German , can also be shaken:
First you eat rice with the Indians,
then you give your cattle ice cream!
In the case of words with a consonant group at the beginning of the word, you can only move one of these consonants.
I really need the check now,
otherwise I'll get a real shock!
Here, for example, only the "r" is shifted instead of "schr". In addition, consonants that follow one another with the same sounding (here in the example "t" and "d") merge into a single consonant (in the example "t"), because they sound the same or similar, or a mute "h" is omitted and becomes a long vowel or a double vowel.
Whole books have been published in shake rhymes, such as versions of Faust or an opera guide. Many voice cabaret artists have told traditional texts, such as folk tales, in shaking rhymes.
Double shaking rhyme
Four-fold modified quatrains represent a special form in which the vowels of the shake syllables are swapped:
A car drove into Gossensaß
by a [di a ] deep sauces Gass,
so that the whole Gassensoß
is poured over the passengers.
With his arm wrapped around her, he asks with a gentle flick of his tongue:
"What kind of snake was that that
hit me in your pincers?"
Or with the shaking pairs crossed:
Once upon a time there was a body giant
who went on a love journey .
In the evening he said: "Rub it, Liese!"
And Liese came and rubbed it softly.
Hoists wait for their flags
and drink strong shepherd's water.
The tough experts judge:
"Well, you are not host-haters!"
- (Dieter Brandl)
- Mythological snapshot
Women lean against the rock,
wrapped in weaver's linen,
who mention Prometheus' body
and weep for his liver.
See also
Shake rhymes collections
- Hans Arthur Thies (Ed.): Two boys on the shaking grate. The most beautiful and newest shake rhymes, flick horn verses , liver rhymes , Schnadahüpfl and Limericks . Braun & Schneider publishing house, Munich 1954.
- Benno Papentrigk (di Anton Kippenberg ): Schüttelreime. Insel Verlag , Leipzig 1939. (1942: Insel-Bücherei No. 219/3).
- Manfred Hanke : The most beautiful German shake poems. German publishing house, Stuttgart 1967.
- Clemens Plassmann (pseudonym: C. Palm-Nesselmanns): Schüttelreime. DVA , Stuttgart 1967.
- Franz Mittler : Collected shaking rhymes. Ed .: Friedrich Torberg . 2nd Edition. Piper Verlag , Munich 1998, ISBN 3-492-21642-0 .
- Wendelin Überzwerch (Ed.): Shaken out of the sleeve. J. Engelhorns Nachf. Stuttgart 1935, abridged new edition of the Deutscher Bücherbund, Stuttgart 1967.
- Leo Kettler: The rat lyre: shaking rhymes - songs - woodcuts. Aphaia Verlag, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-926677-07-4 .
- Erich Mühsam : Mühsam's shaken. Compiled by Reiner Scholz, City and University Library of the City of Frankfurt am Main 1994, ISBN 3-88131-075-4 .
- Miguel Herz-Kestranek (Ed.): Rhymed collective shakers. With verbal donations from witty fellow shakers. Brandstätter, Vienna 1995, ISBN 3-85447-606-X .
- Miguel Herz-Kestranek (ed. And co-shaker): Shaken to me. The latest and very latest shaking rhymes from Austrian vernacular from Apetlon to Zürs. Brandstätter, Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-85447-838-0 .
- Sven Eric Panitz, Matthias Oheim: Shaken, not stirred !: Shaking rhymes. 1st edition, Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2009, ISBN 978-3-8391-0241-1 .
- Sven Eric Panitz, Matthias Oheim: Shaken, not stoked !: Shaking rhymes. 1st edition, Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2012, ISBN 978-3-8482-0214-0 .
- Werner Sutermeister : The happy apple tree. 2nd Edition. Good writings, Bern 1973, ISBN 978-3-7185-0383-4 .
- Erwin Thieleke: Erwin is writing a poem - then I don't need roses ... Schuettel-Schuettel 1000 cheerful shaking rhymes. Media Tec, Baden-Baden 2009, ISBN 978-3-931387-32-7 .
- Natalie Fischer (Ed.): Holidays, the best time of the year. Rhymes. With illustrations by Klaus Päkel. MONS Verlag, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-946368-08-3 .
- Manfred Hanke : The shaker buckets. Report on a rhyming guild. dva, Stuttgart 1968.
- Ludwig Roman Fleischer : Edam and Ava. A shaking epic after John Milton. (The story of creation in shaking rhymes). Klagenfurt 2004, ISBN 978-3-901960-24-6 .
- Ludwig Roman Fleischer : The Büttelschrei. The Iliad, the Aeneid and the Divine Comedy in rhymes. Klagenfurt, 2007, ISBN 978-3-901960-39-0 .
- Rudolf Kleinert: Schneizlreuther shaking rhymes. CD-ROM, Schneizlreuth near Bad Reichenhall (2008), DNB 988657260 .
- Ulf Annel , Daniel Heide: Shaken - not stirred. Rhymes. Druckhaus Gera, Erfurt 2004, ISBN 3-9809040-6-7 .
- Wolfgang Sohrt: Rhymes for family celebrations. Urania, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 3-332-01954-6 (In addition to shaking rhymes, it also contains instructions for creating your own shaking rhymes).
- Heinrich Steinberg : fist - shaken. A mainly cheerful game in 12 pictures, based on Faust I. Lax, Hildesheim 1984, ISBN 3-7848-8251-X .
- Heinrich Steinberg : Reinke Fuchs. A very old, very new book of Levites in rhymes and hexameters. Lax, Hildesheim 1989, ISBN 3-7848-8258-7 .
- Harald Weinkum: Struwwelpeter in shaking rhymes. Edition Va Bene, Klosterneuburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-85167-239-8 .
- Simon Pichler : Touched because shaken. Self-published by the Austrian Cabaret Archives, Graz 2017, ISBN 978-3-9501427-9-2 .
- Günter Fischer: Alexander unties the Gordian knot. Rhymes. With illustrations by Klaus Päkel. Volume 1, with an afterword by Natalie Fischer. MONS Verlag, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-946368-01-4 .
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ Swans out of the blue. In: The great Heinz Erhardt book. Torchbearers, Lingen 1970. p. 222.
- ↑ Neulateinisch as: Clemens Plassmann : Chronogrammata et versiculi. Tertia pars . Printed by Busche, Dortmund 1965, Versiculi quassati, p. 43-46 (Latin). - Examples in English, French, Italian, Neo-Latin and in German dialects as well as mixed-language examples: on and another example (more Austrian than Bavarian).
- ↑ Holidays, the best time of the year. Rhymes. In: Natalie Fischer (Ed.): With illustrations by Klaus Päkel. MONS Verlag, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-946368-08-3 .
- ↑ Shaker of the day from October 1st, 2018. In: Herz-Kestranek & Futter, October 1, 2018, accessed October 1, 2018 .