Schillstrasse 6 (Stralsund)

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The house at Schillstrasse 6 in Stralsund (2008)

The building with the postal address Schillstraße 6 is a listed building on Schillstraße in Stralsund . It is part of the former St. Annen and Brigitten monastery complex .

The three-storey , seven-axis brick building was erected in 1863, according to plans by Ernst von Haselberg , in place of the previously destroyed main building of the monastery complex.

The facade has a neo-Gothic design, red and yellow bricks were used for the facade design. Overarching ogival panels characterize the upper floors; tracery rosettes are embedded in their apices . A frieze of shaped bricks concludes the traufständigen building with its centrally located pointed arch portal .

In the courtyard there is a brick building, also erected in 1863, and the St. Anne's chapel.

The house is located in the core area of ​​the city ​​area recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site of the “ historic old towns of Stralsund and Wismar ”. It is entered in the list of architectural monuments in Stralsund with the number 677.


  • Friederike Thomas, Dietmar Volksdorf: The old town island Stralsund - Illustrated list of monuments. The architectural monuments of the old town in text and images. Edited by the building authority of the Hanseatic city of Stralsund. Self-published, Stralsund 1999, DNB 987697757 , p. 64.

Web links

Commons : Schillstraße 6  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 54 ° 18 '58.8 "  N , 13 ° 5' 17.5"  E