Silesian Music Festival

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The Silesian Music Festival was founded in 1876 by Bolko von Hochberg . He has directed nineteen events himself.

Organized every two years, preferably artists and interpreters from Germany , Poland and the Czech Republic perform the masters of their countries. In 2005 a focus was on commemorating the end of the last great war in Europe and around the world 60 years ago. Oratorios, readings and the like came with the topic “Remembering - Reconciling - Opening Perspectives”. m. from music and literature to the performance.


The Silesian Music Festivals from 1876 to 1942 were glamorous and rousing highlights in the musical life of Lower Silesia . In 1878, the first music festival in Görlitz , the first music hall, between the city ​​park and the banks of the Neisse, was played. It was a "discarded monster" of the Görlitzer Gartenbauverein, which had organized exhibitions, circus performances and summer theater in it. The reconstruction for the concert was financed by Graf Hochberg, the province of Silesia and the estates of the Prussian Upper Lusatia . In 1896, Count Hochberg donated the building to the city, which was very much appreciated by musicians and listeners because of its good acoustics. The music hall offered space for 900 participants and for 2000 guests (1100 seats). For seven decades, the tradition and profile of the landscape have been shaped by musicians and an enthusiastic concert audience. Since 1889, almost without exception, Görlitz , the second largest city in Lower Silesia , hosted the Silesian Music Festival, with which the city made a significant contribution to the intellectual wealth of Silesia .

Immediately after the performance in 1906, the foundation stone for a new music hall was laid. It became the largest concert hall between Breslau and Dresden . The large hall of the new town hall now offered at least 2,700 seats and the concert stage had space for more than 900 participants. In the minds of the people of Görlitz and their guests, the town hall remained primarily associated with the Silesian music festivals, even during the 54 years of forced break.

New beginning

With the turnaround, the return to the historical roots was inspired. In 1990 , together with the neighbors on the other side of the Neisse , an attempt was made to revive the Silesian Music Festival in Görlitz. In doing so, one ties in with the tradition of art in the former German provinces , extends the lines into the present and links them with the cultures and art of today's neighboring states of Poland and the Czech Republic.

The Silesian Music Festival is doing two things at the interface of the future Europe : It reminds of the lasting effects of artists from the former German areas in East Central Europe and places them in a new context on the border of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. It connects the areas of historical Silesia, invites you to discoveries on unusual paths and provides a clear example that the Upper Lusatia / Lower Silesia region is full of potential.

The 32nd and so far last festival took place in 2009. In 2007 and 2011 the event was canceled due to financial problems.

Headquarters will be closed

With the closure of the town hall in January 2005, the 31st Musikfest was missing the main building. So this year the most diverse places in the city of Görlitz became the home of the Silesian Music Festival. In addition to the churches in Görlitz , the Bombardier hall , the Comenius bookstore, the Görlitz theater , the Silesian Museum and Lomnitz Castle (day trip) were available as venues. This has an impact on the music arrangements , as there is no longer any space for a large symphony orchestra .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Silesian Music Festival begins in Görlitz, June 12, 2009, accessed on January 2, 2016.
  2. Schlesisches Musikfest 2011 canceled Görlitzer Anzeiger, accessed on January 2, 2016.