Rothenburg lock

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Rothenburg lock
Rothenburg lock (Saale)

Rothenburg lock (Saale)

Rothenburg lock (Saxony-Anhalt)
Rothenburg lock
Coordinates 51 ° 39 '17 "  N , 11 ° 45' 7"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 39 '17 "  N , 11 ° 45' 7"  E
Country: GermanyGermany Germany / Saxony-Anhalt
Place: Rothenburg (Saale)
Waters: Saale
Water kilometers : km 58.70
Owner: Federal waterways and shipping administration
Responsible WSA : Magdeburg
Start of planning: 1932
Construction time: 1938-1942
Start of operation: 1940
Renovation: 1993
Category: Class IV (Europawasserstraße)
Is controlled by: Revierzentrale Bernburg
Usable length: 103.0 m
Usable width: 12.0 m
height of fall :
3.07 m
Upper gate: Lift gate
Lower gate: Lift gate


The Rothenburg lock is a lock on the Saale federal waterway . The Rothenburg lock system is located in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the Salzlandkreis in the south of the town of Könnern near Saale - km 58.70. It was completed in 1942. The Magdeburg Waterways and Shipping Office is responsible for operation and maintenance . Since July 1, 2010, the lock has been remote-controlled via the Bernburg Revierzentrale and is therefore no longer manned. Registration for the smuggling takes place by phone.


The use of the Saale for goods or passenger transport has been documented since 981. It is reported in chronicles of the Saale shipping that the water of the Saale river was dammed as early as the second half of the 14th century . The accumulated amount of water was used to operate mills and rafts. On October 21, 1530, Emperor Karl V granted the archbishopric of Magdeburg the privilege of free navigation on the Saale and permission to expand the river. The first wooden locks were used by the boatmen to handle freight traffic. Prince Wolfgang von Anhalt , regent of Bernburg, signed a contract in 1559 at the urging of Archbishop Sigismund to expand and secure shipping on the Saale. Not until almost 100 years later, from 1790 onwards, shipping on the Saale was further expanded. The Elector of Saxony, Friedrich August III. ordered the upper hall and the Unstrut to be made navigable. As part of the Elbe / Saale waterway expansion, the total length was shortened by straightening in the years 1933 to 1942 from 427 kilometers to around 413 kilometers. From km 124.16 near Bad Dürrenberg to km 0.00 confluence with the Elbe (at km 290.78) the Saale is a federal waterway.


Today's Rothenburg lock is a tow lock. The laterally offset lock gates are typical of this type of lock. The entrance width of the upper and lower head, ie the gate width, is 12 meters. They widen towards the middle and the usable width is then 20 meters. As a result, several barges of a tugboat can lie next to each other in the lock and can be locked together. The usable length of the lock chambers is around 100 meters. The lock walls are made of concrete and are vertical. The lock heads are also designed as heavy-weight concrete walls. The floor of the chamber was laid with concrete paving stones. Both lock gates are designed as lifting gates . These gates have no openings for filling the lock. The lock chamber is emptied and filled by lifting the gates. In 1993, the Rothenburg lock was the first large lock in the Saale to be overhauled after reunification. A lock bridge with a passage width of 12 meters leads over the lower part of the lock.

There was a previous lock in Rothenburg. It was created in connection with the expansion of the Saale from 1694 to 1698 to improve the transport of coal, which was important at the time. The lock was suitable for the passage of barges the size of a hall .


  • Hans-Joachim Uhlemann: Berlin and the Märkische waterways. transpress publishing house for transport, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-344-00115-9 .
  • Western European shipping and port calendar. Binnenschifffahrts-Verlag GmbH. Duisburg-Ruhrort OCLC 48960431
  • M. Eckoldt (Ed.), Rivers and Canals, The History of German Waterways, DSV-Verlag 1998


  • W. Ciesla, H. Czesienski, W. Schlomm, K. Senzel, D. Weidner: Shipping maps of the inland waterways of the German Democratic Republic 1: 10,000. Volume I, editor: Wasserstraßenaufsichtsamt der GDR. Berlin 1988. OCLC 830889996

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Directory E, Ser. No. 51 of the Chronicle ( Memento of the original from July 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Example of an image on the WSA website