Scaly breast hookbill

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Scaly breast hookbill
Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Tangaren (Thraupidae)
Subfamily : Diglossinae
Genre : Hooked beaks ( diglossa )
Type : Scaly breast hookbill
Scientific name
Diglossa duidae
Chapman , 1929

The Breastplate-hooked beak ( Diglossa duidae ) is a bird art from the family of tanagers (Thraupidae). The species has a large range that includes the South American countries Venezuela and Brazil . The IUCN assesses the population as Least Concern .


The scaly breast hookbill reaches a body length of about 14 to 14.5 centimeters with a weight of about 16 grams. The upturned black beak has a hook-shaped tip. The eyes are reddish brown. The top is gray-black, with the head being a little darker. It has a small blue-gray spot on the shoulders that does not stand out from the color of the top. The throat and the upper part of the chest are blackish, which in the further course of the chest turns into a dark gray and looks like scales on the speckled belly. The under tail-coverts vary in color from gray to white.

The plumage of juveniles is somber gray on top with a blackish head. The underside is uniformly gray. The large and middle arm covers are dotted white so that this looks like wing strokes.


The birds do not seem particularly shy and behave relatively calmly. Her call is a short, thinly vocal whistle. Usually they are on their own or in pairs. It is believed that their behavior is very similar to that of the barbed hookbill ( Diglossa major ). Otherwise, not much is known about their behavior.

distribution and habitat

The scaly-breasted hookbills are usually found in cloud forests, forests with Clusiaceae and on the peaks of Tepuis at altitudes between 1400 and 2600 meters. You can also see them in open terrain with scattered small trees and bushes.


Three subspecies have been described, which differ mainly in their coloration and distribution area:

  • Diglossa duidae duidae Chapman , 1929 - The nominate form occurs in the central and southern part of the Venezuelan state of Amazonas . Here you can see them on the mountains Parú , Huachamacari , Duida , Marahuaca and de la Neblina . They are also found in the southwest of Bolívar on the Sarisariñama-Tepui and Meseta de Jaua and in the extreme north of Brazil on the Cerro de la Neblina.
  • Diglossa duidae hitchcocki Phelps & Phelps, Jr , 1948 - This subspecies is present in the north of the Venezuelan state of Amazonas on Cerro Yaví , Cerro Sipapo and Cerro Guanay . The throat is clearly blacker than in D. d. duidae .
  • Diglossa duidae georgebarrowcloughi Dickerman , 1987 - Their home is the Sierra de la Neblina. The bluish shimmer in the plumage of the nominate form is evident in this Ssp. replaced by a dull black on the back and gray on the stomach.

Another subspecies called Diglossa duidae parui ( Phelps Person & Phelps, JR , 1950) is now considered a synonym for the nominate form .


The generic name is derived from the Greek dis , di- (= two) and glossa (= tongue) and refers to the typical U-shaped tongue of this genus. The species name duidae refers to the first place of discovery, the 2350 meter high Cerro Duida. The subspecies names are dedication names for the ornithologist George Francis Barrowclough and the geographer and photographer Charles Baker Hitchcock (1906–1969).


  • Rodolphe Meyer de Schauensee , William Henry Phelps, Jr., Guy Tudor: A Guide to the Birds of Venezuela . Princeton University Press, Princeton 1992, ISBN 978-0-691-08205-9 .
  • Steven Leon Hilty , John A. Gwynne, Guy Tudor : Birds of Venezuela . Princeton University Press, Princeton 2002, ISBN 978-0-691-09250-8 .
  • Robert S. Ridgely , Guy Tudor: Field Guide to the Songbirds of South America: The Passerines . University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas 2009, ISBN 978-0-292-71979-8 .
  • Robert S. Ridgely, Guy Tudor, William Liddle Brown: The Birds of South America Vol. I. The Oscine Passerines: Jays and Swallows, Wrens, Thrushes, and Allies, Vireos and Wood-Warblers, Tanagers, Icterids, and Finches . University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas 1989, ISBN 978-0-292-70756-6 .
  • Frank Michler Chapman: Descriptions of new birds from Mt. Duida, Venezuela . In: American Museum novitates . No. 380 , 1929, pp. 1–27 ( [PDF]).
  • Robert William Dickerman: Notes on the plumages of Diglossa duidae with the description of a new subspecies . In: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club . tape 107 , no. 1 , 1987, pp. 42-44 ( ).
  • William Henry Phelps, William Henry Phelps, Jr .: Las aves de la Isla La Blanquilla y de Los Morros El Fondeadero y La Horquilla del Archipiélago de Los Hermanos . In: Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales . tape 11 , no. 71 , 1948, p. 85-118 .
  • William Henry Phelps, William Henry Phelps, Jr .: Three new subspecies of birds from Venezuela . In: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington . tape 63 , 1950, pp. 43-50 ( ).

Web links

Commons : Scaly Chest Hooked Beak ( Diglossa duidae )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Rodolphe Meyer de Schauensee u. a., p. 330
  2. a b c Steven Leon Hilty u. a., p. 784f
  3. Robert Sterling Ridgely et al. a. (2009), p. 575
  4. Robert Sterling Ridgely et al. a. (1989), p. 201
  5. Frank Michler Chapman, p. 26f
  6. ^ William Henry Phelps (1948) and a., p. 69
  7. ^ Robert William Dickerman, p. 43
  8. ^ William Henry Phelps (1950) and a., p. 45f