Sebastian Georg Helbling von Hirzenfeld

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Sebastian Georg Helbling von Hirzenfeld (* 1751 in Ravensburg ; † December 31, 1782 ) was an Austrian naturalist.

Helbling von Hirzenfeld studied in Graz (among others with Leopold Biwald ) philology and humanistic subjects, although he also began to be interested in natural sciences. He continued his studies in Vienna, where he studied botany and chemistry with Joseph Franz von Jacquin , anatomy and medicine with Joseph Barth with Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von Crantz . In 1775 he made friends with the botanist Johan Andreas Murray when he was in Vienna, and in 1776 he accompanied Ignaz von Born on a trip to Hungary and Transylvania. In 1780 he became professor of botany and chemistry at the University of Mantua , where he laid out a botanical garden and, while traveling in Lombardy, a natural history collection for his classes. He also helped move the University of Mantua to Pavia, but died soon after at the age of only 31.

He does not come from the Austrian noble family of the same name (which was not ennobled until 1816).


  • Description of the common grapes in the Vienna area, treatises of a private company in Bohemia, Volume 3, 1778, Gleanings Volume 4, 1779
  • Contributions to the knowledge of new and rare conchylia, from some Viennese collections, treatises of a private company in Bohemia 1779
  • Specierum naturalium nondum aut minus notarum monographiae anecdotae, figuris aeneïs partim pictis illustratae, Vienna 1779


References and comments

  1. ^ Franz Helbling von Hirzenfeld, BLKÖ