Sebastiano Lo Monaco

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Sebastiano Lo Monaco (* around 1730 in Catania , † around 1775 in Sortino ) was an Italian painter of the late Baroque in Sicily .

He was a student of Olivio Sozzi , as whose assistant he initially worked. This was followed by a collaboration with Matteo Desiderato in the Palazzo Biscari in Catania with the fresco “Triumph of the Paternò Family” in the ballroom and decorative paintings in the gallery and musician's loggia. The work was finished in 1772.

For the Palazzo Reburdone he created the frescoes “Council of the Gods” and “Three Graces”. Lo Monaco later went to Sortino, where he painted the nave of the Chiesa della Natività di Maria with the frescoes “Expulsion of the Merchants from the Temple” and “Triumph of Faith”.

Works (selection)

  • Chiesa San Benedetto (Catania) : Altarpiece “Immacolata” and vaulted frescoes together with Matteo Desiderato and Giovanni Tuccari (around 1750)
  • Basilica San Sebastiano Martire ( Melilli ): ceiling fresco with prophets in the presbytery (1788)
  • Chiesa Santissima Trinità e San Marziano ( Lentini ): ceiling fresco
  • Chiesa di San Giuseppe ( Ragusa ): Glory of Saint Benedict (1793)
  • Chiesa Nativita di Maria ( Sortino ): frescoes "Expulsion of the Merchants from the Temple" and "Triumph of Faith"


  • Luigi Sarullo: Dizionario degli artisti siciliani. Volume 2: Pittura. Novocento, Palermo 1995, ISBN 88-373-0196-0 .