Sebastjan Podbregar

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Sebastjan Podbregar (* in Celje ) is a Slovenian singer with a tenor voice who lives in Germany .

Life and artistic work

Podbregar studied at the Zagreb Music Academy ( Croatia ) and the Ljubljana Music Academy (Slovenia). In July 2012 he completed a master's degree in singing with Dunja Vejzović at the State University for Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart . He is currently studying song interpretation with Cornelis Witthoefft and Natalie Karl.

He sang on the opera stage while still a student. During this time he took on fourteen different opera and operetta roles, including some contemporary pieces such as Žalik's "Imagined Reality". In 2009 he starred in the performance of the Slovenian romantic opera Poslednja Straža (The Last Watch, Risto Savin ), which was staged for the second time at the time . In Italy he sang the roles of Rinuccio in Puccini's Gianni Schicchi , Basilio in Mozart's Le nozze di Figaro , Tassilo in Kálmán's Countess Mariza and Gustl von Laudegg in Stolz's Spring Parade . Podbregar sang the role of Zvonko in the Slovenian operetta Melodije srca and Richard in Jessels Schwarzwaldmädel .

From 2009 to 2011, Sebastjan Podbregar was engaged as a guest singer at the Slovenian National Theater Opera House, where he took on the roles of Edoardo (Rossini's La cambiale di matrimonio ) and Philipps (Mozart's The Drama Director ).

Podbregar performs regularly with various orchestras, including the Rijeka Opera Orchestra, the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Oslo Baroque Orchestra and the South German Chamber Soloists.

At the Europa Cantat Festival in Barcelona, ​​Sebastjan sang Vespro della beata vergine by Monteverdi with the Catalan Baroque Orchestra.

He took part in the “Slovenian State Competition for Young Musicians” and was awarded the gold medal. In February 2014 Podbregar won 3rd prize at the international song duo competition “Pianovoce” in Moscow. In addition, from 2009 to 2012 he was the President of the Slovenian Chamber Theater ( Slovensko komorno glasbeno gledališče ).


  • TEMSIG, Slovenian State Competition for Young Musicians, Golden Plaque, 2nd Prize
  • International song duo competition “Pianovoce” in Moscow, 3rd prize, pianist: Anna Prystromska

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