Lake Poets

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Lake Poets ( Eng. "Lake Poets") also Lakists or Lake School , was used from 1817 as a name for a small group of English romantic poets who settled in the Lake District of Cumberland (now Cumbria ).

The initiator was William Wordsworth , who lived in Grasmere from December 1799 . To live closer to Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge moved to Keswick in August 1800 . Robert Southey also settled there in 1803 .

The beauty of the Lake District was a theme again and again in the “ nature poetry ” created here and the elegiac sentimental mood poetry . The initially romantic enthusiasm for the French Revolution gave way to a politically reactionary attitude at the latest in the years of terror in France.


Individual evidence

  1. Gero von Wilpert : Specialized Dictionary of Literature (= Kröner's pocket edition . Volume 231). 7th, improved and enlarged edition. Kröner, Stuttgart 1989, ISBN 3-520-23107-7 , p. 497.