Sea battle in front of Palermo

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The Sea Battle of Palermo , unknown Dutch painter

In the naval battle of Palermo during the Dutch War on June 2, 1676, a fleet of the Kingdom of France attacked a joint fleet of Spain and the United Provinces of the Netherlands in the Mediterranean off the coast of Sicily in the port of Palermo .

The battle

After the naval battle at Augusta , the Spanish fleet, reinforced by Dutch ships, a total of 27 units (17 Dutch, 10 Spanish), was in the port and carried out repairs. The French fleet under Abraham Duquesne with 29 ships attacked surprisingly. The Spanish-Dutch fleet was shot at by ships of the line and was affected by six fires - it suffered severe damage. She lost ten ships and a crew of about 2,100, including five admirals. The French, however, only lost five of their six incendiary ships and about 200 men.


Thanks to the victory, the French were able to gain naval dominance in the Mediterranean for the next two years with little loss of their own.
