Seligeria pusilla

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Seligeria pusilla
Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Grim
Family : Seligeriaceae
Genre : Seligeria
Type : Seligeria pusilla
Scientific name
Seligeria pusilla
( Hedw. ) Bruch , Schimp. & W. Gümbel

Seligeria pusilla is a species of moss of the order Grimmiales .


The stems are up to a millimeter high and have screwy leaves. They grow in lawns. The leaves have a lanceolate base and are drawn out in a narrow sublime. The leaf margin is slightly serrated. The leaf vein is weak and usually ends before the leaf tip. The cells in the tip of the leaf are rectangular to long rectangular.

The seta is yellowish and upright. The capsule has a peristome .


The species occurs in North America and Eurasia. In Germany it can be found in all limestone mountains. It grows on shady limestone rocks, on molasses and on limestone tuff .

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