Seligeria trifaria

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Seligeria trifaria
Seligeria trifaria (a, 144346-474700) 3615.JPG

Seligeria trifaria

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Grim
Family : Seligeriaceae
Genre : Seligeria
Type : Seligeria trifaria
Scientific name
Seligeria trifaria
( Brid. ) Lindb.

Seligeria trifaria is a species of moss of the order Grimmiales .


The stems are three to eight millimeters high and divided. Sterile stems are leafed in three lines. They form brownish to black-green lawns. The leaves are stiffly erect, have a hollow base and a lanceolate, entire, awl tip. The leaf vein is thicker in the upper part of the leaf than below, and it fills the tip of the leaf. The cells of the tip of the leaf are short, rectangular or square.

The seta is reddish-brown and erect, the capsule has a peristome .


The species grows on shady, moist limestone rocks and limestone tuffs . It occurs scattered in southern Germany , rarely in the other low mountain ranges.

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Commons : Seligeria trifaria  - album with pictures, videos and audio files