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Selvena is a district of Castell'Azzara in the province of Grosseto , Tuscany region in Italy .

Panorama of Selvena


The place is 5 km west of the capital Castell'Azzara and 55 km east of the provincial capital Grosseto . The place is 658  meters above sea level in the immediate vicinity and south of the mountain Monte Amiata and east of the river Fiora (approx. 1 km) and has approx. 580 inhabitants. To the west, Cellena (now part of Semproniano) borders on Selvena.


The place was first mentioned in writing in June 873 and in May 874 as Casale Silbina and Vico Silbina , when Chiusi and Sovana ceded areas to the monastery of San Salvatore di Monte Amiata . The later Rocca Silvana Castle was built in this area . Today's place arose from the isolated houses that were outside the Borghi of the castle and were called Borghetto (first mentioned on February 26, 1639), Belvedere (first mentioned on March 16, 1707) and Mulino (first mentioned in 1720). These Borghi, also called Contrade, increased in population considerably in the 18th century and later united to form Selvena.


The Church of San Nicola da Tolentino
  • Chiesa di San Nicola da Tolentino , church in the center, which is consecrated to Nicholas of Tolentino and which took over the tasks of the church in the Rocca Silvana Castle (built in 1238 and consecrated to Nicholas of Bari ) from 1838. Construction of the church began in 1797, and the inauguration took place in 1838. The campanile dates from 1850. Was completely restored and modified in 1925.
  • Rocca Silvana , castle mentioned as early as the 9th century in the documents of the Monastery of San Salvatore di Monte Amiata .


  • Miniera del Morone , mine approx. 3 km southwest of the village directly below the Rocca Silvana at approx. 500 m at the Fosso della Canala at the confluence with the eponymous Fossor Morone . The mineral deposits already used by the Etruscans and the Aldobrandeschi were only further mined from 1850, when the Modigliani company from Livorno started modern mining. At that time, the Frenchman Alfredo Caillaux was the site manager, who was already working for the mines in Siele (east of Castell'Azzara on the river of the same name). However, work was stopped again after three years. It was not until 1871 that the Count of Santa Fiora, Don Bosio Sforza, gave the mining rights in Cellena (now part of Semproniano) and Selvena to Philipp Schwarzenberg for 99 years . He had the events investigated under the German Teodoro Haupt and in 1882 came to the decision that the earth would not provide enough material. After further research (1889 under Jasinsky, 1891 and 1907) the first mercury was mined in 1909 . In 1917 the mine became the property of Monte Amiata SA p. AZ. who already operated the facilities around Abbadia San Salvatore and managed mining in Selvena until 1974. Around 1925 the three shafts of the facility reached a depth of 482 m. Work continued until 1932, when the mining industry entered a crisis. The plant was then reopened in 1946. In 1974 the Società Mercurifera Monte Amiata (SMMA), which later became ENI , bought the facilities and closed them in 1981.


  • Palio Casali Silbina , Palio , which has been held every year on August 14th and 15th since 1997 and with the three remaining Contraden Molino (white-red coat of arms), Belvedere (silver-black coat of arms) and Borghetto (golden St. Andrew's cross on a blue background) compete against each other.


  • Ippolito Corridori, Arturo Santioli: L'Amiata. Edizioni Cantagalli, Siena 1987.
  • Roberto Farinelli / Riccardo Francovich : Rocca Silvana , in: Guida alla Maremma medievale. Itinerari di archeologia nella provincia di Grosseto, pp. 75-84, Nuova Immagine Editrice, Siena 2000, ISBN 978-88-7145-170-1
  • Felicia Rotundo / Bruno Santi: Castell'Azzara. In: Bruno Santi: Guida Storico-Artistica alla Maremma. Nuova Immagine Edizioni, Siena 1995, ISBN 88-7145-093-0 .
  • Emanuele Repetti: SELVENA (Silvina) nella Val di Fiora. In Dizionario Geografico Fisico Storico della Toscana (1833–1846), online edition of the University of Siena (pdf, ital.)

Web links

Commons : Selvena  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Official website of the ISTAT ( Istituto Nazionale di Statistica ) on the 2001 population figures in the province of Grosseto, accessed on May 25, 2012 (Italian)
  2. a b Ippolito Corridori / Arturo Santioli
  3. a b
  4. Bruno Santi: I Luoghi della Fede. L'Amiata e la Val d'Orcia. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore , Milan 1999, ISBN 88-04-46780-0
  5. Regolamento urbanistico  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on the website of the municipality of Castell'Azzara, accessed on June 3, 2013 (Italian, pdf; 22.8 MB)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  6. a b c Tuscan Minerals
  7. a b c Museo delle miniere di mercurio del monte amiata
  8. a b Parco Nazionale Museo delle Miniere dell'Amiata

Coordinates: 42 ° 46 '  N , 11 ° 39'  E