Sentiero di Leonardo da Vinci

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The Sentiero di Leonardo da Vinci or Sentiero di Leonardo ( German  way of Leonardo da Vinci ) is a 240 km long themed hiking trail between Milan in Italy and San Bernardino in Switzerland . It was opened in 2019 on the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death . Its course corresponds to an ancient Roman road that led from Milan to the Swiss border.

The trail connects places related to the work of Leonardo da Vinci and leads from Milan via Gorgonzola , Trezzo sull'Adda and Imbersago , then along the south-eastern arm of Lake Como via Lecco , Mandello del Lario , Lierna , Bellano , Piona, Piantedo , Samolaco , Chiavenna , Madesimo to San Bernardino.

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