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Septum ( Latin saeptum ' fence', 'fence'; plural: septa or septa) stands for:

  • Nasal septum, the nasal septum
  • the septum between the halves of the heart; see heart and bloodstream
  • Septum interalveolare or Alveolarseptum, the intermediate wall between two adjacent alveoli
  • Septum pellucidum , a partition between lateral ventricles in the brain
  • Connective tissue spaces between the skeletal muscles (intermuscular septa, muscle septum), see fascia
  • the rectovaginal septum is a thin partition between the connective tissue sheath (vagina) and the rectum (rectal)
  • the vaginal septum is a congenital anatomical malformation of the vagina
  • The rectoprostatic fascia or the rectovaginal septum is an accumulation of several layers of connective tissue below the urogenital peritoneum , caudal to the rectovesical excavation in males. It corresponds to the rectovaginal fascia in women
  • the transverse septum , as one of the precursors of the diaphragm, is an embryonic structure
  • The orbital septum closes the orbit such as a circular membrane around the eyeball running around
  • the intersinus, interfrontal septum separates the paired frontal sinus
  • the dorsal median septum, middle septum, and dorsal septum are indentations in the spinal cord
  • the interdental septum is the bone between two teeth in the dental arch
  • the interradicular septum is the bone between the tips of the roots of teeth

In reptiles and amphibians

  • in reptiles, septa separate the lungs from the body and the arterial from the venous bloodstream
  • in some amphibians, subdivisions of the ventricle in the heart

With birds

In the morphology of invertebrates:

  • the partition walls in the gastric space of corals , flower animals and on the corallite of stony corals , with corals a distinction is made between fleshy sarcosis septa (mesentery) and hard sclerosis septa
  • the chamber partition in the housing of the cephalopod , here it separates 2 air chambers; Diaphragm, dissepiments.
  • a septum inside with armfeet
  • in horseshoe worms , the septum separates the metacoel from the mesocoel
  • In the case of some snails that shed their shell tips, the resulting opening is closed by a transverse septum
  • in the Annelida (annelid worms - earthworms ) septa, which are formed by the mutually adjacent walls of successive Coelom sacs
  • in bog animals mostly non-cellular connecting webs between neighboring branches of fenestrate zoaria (colonies of zooids )
  • in some graptolites, peridermal strands between adjacent branches of dendroid (branched, ramified) colonies

In botany

  • the real partitions coenokarper ovary consisting verwachsenden each carpel areas emerge the individual carpels. False septa, on the other hand (false partitions), arise from growths
  • Partition (false or genuine depending on the interpretation) of the replica in pods

In mycology

with technical reference:


  • Septum piercing , a piercing through the connective tissue below the nasal septum cartilage

See also: