Servetus memorial stone

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Memorial stone 2010

The Servetus memorial stone is a memorial stone in the Geneva area Champel that tracks the execution of Miguel Servetus y Reves recalls on 27 October 1,553th

It was erected on October 27, 1903, the 350th anniversary of the execution, at the confluence of Avenue de la Roseraie with Avenue de Beau-Séjour , roughly where the pyre burned at the time . In 1902 an international congress of free thinkers took place in Geneva from September 14th to 18th . At the suggestion of the Spanish atheist Pompeyo Gener (1848–1919) it was decided at the time that a monument to Servet should be erected at the former execution site, and an international commission was founded for this purpose.

Reformed circles in Geneva succeeded in preventing the project and instead erecting a counter-monument, which less honors Servet's fate than serves as an apology for John Calvin . The inscription was written by Émile Doumergue , a professor in the theological faculty of Montauban and avid Calvinist , and it reads on the obverse:


respectueux et reconnaissants
de Calvin
notre grand réformateur
mais condamnant une erhur
qui fut celle de son siècle
et fermement attachés
à la liberté de conscience
selon les vrais principes de
la Réformation et de l'Évangile
nous avons élevé
ce monument expiatoire

respectful and grateful sons of
our great reformer,
who condemn a mistake which was that of his century
and firmly bound to freedom of conscience
according to the true principles of
the Reformation and the Gospel
, we established this atonement
on October 27, 1903

On the back of the stone are the dates of Servetus' life and the fact that he was executed at the stake:


The XXVII octobre MDLIII
mourut sur le book
à Champel
Michel Servet
de Villeneuve d'Aragon
né le XXIX septembre MDXI

Michel Servet from Villeneuve d'Aragon
died on October 27, 1553 at the stake
in Champel, born on September 29, 1511

Today a street between the confluence of the avenue de la Roseraie with the avenue de Beau-Séjour and the Plateau de Champel bears the name Rue Michel-Servet .

A real monument to Servet was erected in 1908 on French soil in the village of Annemasse , which is only 8 km from Geneva city center and 4 km from the Champel hill on the Swiss border. This time the initiative came from a group of Liberal and Unitarian Christians from Geneva and France . The monument consisted of a bronze statue and was designed by the Protestant Geneva Clotilde Roch (1861-1921), who among other things also created the statue in 1915 for the Federal Palace in Bern under the title La Dernière Bouchée de pain (“The last bite of bread”) a woman who feeds a child with bread.

At the behest of the Vichy regime , which was collaborating with the German occupation forces , the memorial in Annemasse was destroyed on September 13, 1941. The Resistance is said to have placed a wreath on the base of the destroyed monument, the bow of which bore the inscription: "For Michel Servet, the first victim of fascism ". On September 4, 1960, a copy of the bronze statue was unveiled in Annemasse.

Another monument to Servet is in the French city of Vienne , where he had lived since 1540.

See also

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Coordinates: 46 ° 11 '33.48 "  N , 6 ° 9' 0.21"  E ; CH1903:  five hundred thousand five hundred and twenty-four  /  116504