Shlomo sand

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Shlomo Sand, image from July 2007.

Shlomo Sand (born September 10, 1946 in Linz , Austria ) is an Israeli historian . From 2002 until his retirement in 2014 he was a professor at Tel Aviv University .


Sand spent the first two years after his birth with his parents in a DP camp near Munich. In 1948 the Sand family moved to Jaffa , Israel . After the Six Day War in the summer of 1967, Sand was active for years in the anti-Zionist group Matzpen (Kompass), but left it after a. also attacked Israel's right to exist .

From the mid-1970s he continued his studies in Paris at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales with the historian Madeleine Rebérioux with a master's thesis on Jean Jaurès and completed it with a doctoral thesis on Georges Sorel . Back in Israel, he dealt with the history of cinema, the history of the intellectuals and the history of nationalism , while he was repeatedly visiting professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales . One of his most recent occupations is dealing with the history of the Jewish people .


Georges Sorel

In the mid-1980s, Sand dealt intensively with Georges Sorel and organized a first colloquium in France to revive the preoccupation with his work. With the historian Jacques Julliard, he founded the magazine Cahiers Georges Sorel in 1983 , from which, under Julliard's direction, the magazine Milneuf cent in 1988 . Revue d'histoire intellectuelle was.

The invention of the Jewish people

Sand solved among other things in Israel and France with his book published in 2008 מתי ואיך הומצא העם היהודי? (German: "When and how was the Jewish people invented?", German translation of the book under the title The Invention of the Jewish People - Israel's Founding Myth on the Test Stand ) controversy.

In the foreword written in 2009 for the German edition, he states “that the gap between my research results and the view of history widespread in Israel and elsewhere is terrifying”. In doing so, he had done nothing other than to process material that had long been presented by the Israeli Zionist historiography, but had been forgotten, whereby “nothing really new” had appeared in his work.

Sands' opinions on Zionism

Sand rejects both Zionism and anti-Zionism on its own. He locates his position in post-Zionism . He does not deny Israel's right to exist, but would like to "abolish Zionism as a characteristic of the State of Israel." In 2009, he stated in interviews that he compared Israel's legitimacy in lectures to Arab students with the right to life of a child born from rape, which one also has must acknowledge. One must raise the child so that it does not repeat the crimes of its father. In a comment in Haaretz in 2016, he opposed the warning issued by the liberal Israeli left that fascism was threatening to establish itself in Israel , or that this was already a reality. On the other hand, he emphasized the continuity of Zionism over the decades of the existence of the Israeli state, recalled that since 1948 scandalous crimes had been committed against the Palestinian civilian population under the responsibility of left-wing Zionist governments, and compared the socialist Zionists on the Golan Heights with the national religious settlers of the West Bank : The earlier settlers are not morally superior to the newer ones, rather it is a matter of a higher degree of hypocrisy. Even without the threat of fascism, Israel has now placed itself in an extremely dangerous situation from which the country can only save itself from itself with international help.



  • L'Illusion du politique , Paris, La Découverte, 1984 ( ISBN 2-7071-1518-5 ).
  • Intellectuals, Truth and Power, Tel Aviv, Am Oved, 2000 (in Hebrew, ISBN 965-13-1439-7 ).
  • Le XXe siècle à l'écran , Paris, Seuil, 2004 ( ISBN 2-02-056916-7 , also in Hebrew and Spanish).
  • Historians, Time and Imagination , Tel Aviv, Am Oved, 2004 (in Hebrew, ISBN 965-13-1733-7 ).
  • The Words and the Land , Los Angeles, Semiotext, 2011 ( ISBN 978-1-58435-096-5 , also in French).
  • The Invention of the Jewish People , Berlin, Propylaea, 2010 ( ISBN 978-3-549-07376-6 , also in Hebrew, French, English, Arabic, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Hungarian, Swedish, Slovenian, Spanish, Chinese, Brazilian , Polish, Turkish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Portuguese, Greek, Czech Republic, Korean).
  • The Invention of the Land of Israel , Berlin, Propylaea, 2012 ( ISBN 978-3-549-07434-3 , also in Hebrew, French, English, Arabic, Russian, Spanish, Persian, Chinese, Brazilian, Polish, Czech Republic).
  • Why I stop being a Jew , Berlin, Propylaea, 2013 ( ISBN 978-3-549-07449-7 also in Hebrew, French, English, Arabic, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian, Polish)
  • Crépuscule de l'Histoire , Paris, Flammarion, 2015 ( ISBN 978-2-70718-939-4 , also in Hebrew and English).
  • La fin de l'intellectuel français? , Paris, La Découverte, 2016 ( ISBN 978-2-7071-8939-4 , also in English and Spanish).

As editor

  • J. Julliard & S. Sand (eds.), Georges Sorel en son temps , Paris, Seuil, 1985 ( ISBN 2-02-008978-5 ).
  • H. Bresheeth, M. Zimmermann & S. Sand (eds.), Cinema and Memory, Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, Jerusalem, 2004 (in Hebrew, ISBN 965-227-191-8 ).
  • S. Sand (Ed.), Ernest Renan - On The Nation and the “Jewish People” , London, Verso, 2010 ( ISBN 978-1-84467-462-6 also in Hebrew and French).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Interview with Shlomo Sand, interviewer Igal Avidan, tachles September 26, 2008  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  2. ^ Evan R. Goldstein: "Inventing Israel" , in: Tablet , October 13, 2009.
  3. Short Curriculum Vitae ( Memento from March 28, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  4. For the 20th anniversary
  5. p. 16, page number after the 2010 edition by Propylaeen
  6. a b Jordan Skinner: 'Israel does not understand anything but force' - an interview with Shlomo Sand. (from 2009) republished on the website of his UK publisher Verso July 31, 2014, accessed March 8, 2018
  7. Jochanan Shelliem: The Holy of Holies of Jewish Identity. In: Deutschlandfunk from April 19, 2010, accessed on March 8, 2018
  8. Jonny Paul: TAU accused of anti-Semitism . In: Jerusalem Post, November 15, 2009, accessed March 8, 2018
  9. ^ Shlomo Sand: Israel Isn't Fascist, but It Still Needs the World to Save It From Itself. In: Haaretz from August 13, 2016, (half of it freely accessible on the Verso publisher's website , English)